With a new tour beginning in Florida this month, singer Kelly Clarkson said she plans to forgo typical diets and switch to an all-organic regimen instead.


Clarkson, the first "American Idol" winner, has hired a professional chef to prepare meals for her and her crew during her upcoming "Addicted!" tour, Entertainment Tonight reports.

"She cooks anything," Clarkson said on the show regarding her new chef, "It's not like a diet or anything. It's just good organic, energy food. If one person gets sick, the entire crew gets sick. It's all about just staying healthy."

Along with her new hire, Clarkson has decided to quit drinking sodas and instead will only drink vitamin waters -- to the point that she has signed an advertising deal with Glaceau Vitamin Water bottled beverages.

"Why I love the Vitamin Water campaign is a lot of kids just down soda and it's not good," the singer said, "Obviously, I have a lot of young fans, so that's why we teamed up. I just realized that I have a platform. If you have a voice, you might as well make it a positive one."