Firefighters in Pennsylvania conducted an unusual rescue when a 2-year-old girl got her head stuck in an angel food cake pan.


Erin Meixel, of Mifflin County, said her daughter, Quinnley, was playing with an angel food pan that had its middle section removed when she put the pan over her head and became stuck.

"She wore it kind of like a shawl around her shoulders until the firemen got there. She was a trooper. She was still able to eat and drink while she had this tin around her," the mother told WGAL-TV.

Meixel called 911 and firefighters from the Junction Fire Company in Lewistown were summoned to the home.

The firefighters used tin snips to cut through the pan and free the toddler. The fire company shared photos from the unusual rescue on Facebook.


Meixel said her daughter takes after her -- when she was a child, she required her own rescue when her legs became stuck in a plastic chair.