HBO plans to revive "Project Greenlight."
The Ben Affleck and Matt Damon-produced series originally aired for two seasons on HBO (2001, 2003) and one on Bravo (2005). The show takes viewers behind the scenes as the two actors search for a first-time filmmaker. One director is "greenlighted" per season to direct their first feature film.
"Project Greenlight was ahead of its time," Affleck asserts. "Now that technology has caught up to the concept, we thought it was a perfect time to bring it back."
"A whole new generation of filmmakers has grown up sharing everything, and the next big director could be just an upload away," the actor continues. "It is really great having 'Project Greenlight' back at HBO."
"'Project Greenlight' works," Damon adds. "Careers have been launched and sustained as a direct result of this contest... Ben and I are really proud of that."
Affleck and Damon will return as producers on the new season of the show. Marc Joubert, T.J. Barrack, Perrin Chiles and Marshall Lewy at Adaptive Studios, and Zanne Devine at Miramax will co-produce.
A potential air date has not been released.