Despite hefty competition from Fox's American Idol and NBC's The Biggest Loser, CBS' Tuesday night Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part premiere broadcast still managed to post decent ratings numbers.
The premiere of the long-running CBS reality series' first ever winter edition finished third in its time period behind American Idol and The Biggest Loser: Couples among both total viewers and the Adults 18-49 demographic.
Idol averaged 29.962 million total viewers and a 12.3/29 rating/share among Adults 18-49 over its two-hour broadcast on Fox, while The Biggest Loser averaged 7.399 million total viewers and a 2.9/7 rating/share among Adults 18-49 over its two-hour broadcast in NBC.
In addition, Big Brother 9 also finished third among Adults 18-34 with a 2.0/5 rating/share.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio