As most regular message board visitors no doubt already know, the message boards are currently unavailable.


At approximiately 3PM ET Tuesday afternoon, the server that we utilize to host the message boards began experiencing severe technical problems and crashed. We're currently working with our hosting partner to restore the server to normal operation as soon as possible and apologize for any inconvenience this unexpected outage has caused. We'll post additional information as it becomes available.

In the meantime we'd like to confirm for everyone that other areas of the network remain functional, including our LIVE CHAT rooms, our SPOILER ISLAND Survivor fantasy game, and our reality TV show news service. Thank you for your patience.

LATE THURSDAY MORNING UPDATE: We are still working to restore the server to full operational order. At this time we hope to have the system functional sometime late this afternoon. Once again we apologize for any inconvenience this unexpected outage has caused and thank you for your patience.