Momentum Pictures released a new trailer for War Pony on Wednesday. The film opens in theaters and video-on-demand July 28.
War Pony follows two Oglala Lakota men on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Bill (Jojo Bapteise Whiting) is 23 trying everything from delivery to dog breeding to make it.
Matho (LaDainian Crazy Thunder) is 12 and gets in over his head. The stories of Bill and Matho intertwine in Pine Ridge.
Robert Stover, Stanley Good Voice Elk, Gammell and Keough also star. Gammell and Keough also co-wrote War Pony with Franklin Sioux Bob and Bill Reddy.
Willi White, Ryan Zacarias, Bert Hamelinck and Sacha Ben Harroche produced with Keough and Gammell.