The classic Christmas special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, is leaving its longtime home of CBS for NBC, the network it premiered on 60 years ago.


The 75-minute telecast is set for Friday, Dec. 6.

"The classic animated special offers the perspective of Rudolph, who's told he could not play in any Reindeer Games due to his glowing nose," a synopsis said.

"Rudolph sets out on a fantastic journey where he meets Hermey the elf, prospector Yukon Cornelius and a host of Misfit Toys, all while trying to hide from the Abominable Snow Monster," the summary continued. "The story is told narrated by Burl Ives, who plays Sam the Snowman and whose iconic recording of the 'Rudolph' song has become part of the culture."

The special ran on NBC from 1964 through 1971 before it moved to CBS.