A shotgun rack manufacturer in Minnesota is using the killings of family members of U.S. singer-actress Jennifer Hudson's family in Chicago for a promotion.
"I really feel sorry for these people," Peters said. "I just don't want this to happen to someone else. Sometimes I think people need to be hit between the eyes."
Hudson, who won an Academy Award for the film "Dreamgirls," lost her mother, Darnell Donerson, and her brother, Jason, during a shooting at her mother's South Side home last Friday. Authorities Monday located the body of her 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, in an SUV parked on the city's West Side.
"Could a Bedside Shotgun Rack Have Saved Jennifer Hudson's Family from Tragic Death?" the news release from Peters' company asks.
Peters told the Tribune he expected his promotion would cause controversy."Just having a gun rack offends a lot of people," he said of the likely fallout from his release.