So You Think You Can Dance eliminated Paul Karmiryan, a 21-year-old Latin ballroom dancer from Glendale, CA, which determined the tenth season's Top 4 finale contestants during Tuesday night's live show on Fox.
Paul, along with Hayley Erbert, an 18-year-old contemporary dancer from Topeka, KS, got eliminated from the competition based on home viewer votes cast for the Top 6 finalists.


During a Wednesday conference call with reporters, Paul talked to Reality TV World about his So You Think You Can Dance experience. Below is what he had to say. Check back with Reality TV World on Tuesday for more. 

Reality TV World: Were you surprised to get eliminated? I know the judges mentioned many times throughout the season they could actually see you winning the whole thing.

Paul Karmiryan: For me, it wasn't really surprise. It was just -- going into the Top 6 yesterday, we all just got together and we just discussed that like everyone deserves to be there and everyone was such an amazing dancer and such an amazing person. I guess going in, we just thought of it not as something that was very competitive and that it was the end to something.

It was more like, we had gone through this journey and we had to think of it as more of a celebration that we've come to the Top 6. So it wasn't a shock. I mean, definitely "Fik-Shun" and [Aaron Turner] deserve to be in the finale and the Top 6, and so did [Jasmine Harper] and [Amy Yakima].


The idea was that everyone did deserve to [stay], and anything that would happen, would happen for a reason, I believe. It wasn't a shock to me and I would love to be in the finale, of course, but they also deserve to be there. So, I'm not disappointed, especially from the guys -- or really, everyone -- they're all so talented. I'm just happy for them.

Reality TV World: When you danced the contemporary routine with Hayley, Mary Murphy said you make a great looking couple and should date in real life. What was going through your mind when she said that? Any hope of that actually happening down the road?

Paul Karmiryan: (Laughs) That's so funny. Well throughout the season, I mean, there's been so many accusations [about] just relationships and what people want to see. A bunch of people were constantly telling me and [Makenzie Dustman] to get married. I love Makenzie and I love Hayley, but I don't know if I love them in that way, (laughs) you know what I mean?

Really, behind the scenes, everyone has their own personality. Everyone has [thoughts] on who they like and whatever it is. So it could go any way. I don't know. Relationships just don't happen because they look right. There have to be other things that are going on personally.

Reality TV World: Reflecting on your performance last week, you nailed that hip-hop routine. So do you have any idea why you got less home viewer votes than the four remaining dancers? Do you have any insight into that?  


Paul Karmiryan: Well, the thing with this show is it's so unpredictable. I mean, I hadn't fallen in the bottom at all and I had a great run with the hip-hop. The thing is, it's not always -- what we've come to understand is, it's not always about America's best dancer. It's not always -- it just depends on what America thinks.

It has to do with being a favorite dancer also. And I guess it's not something that's tragic because Aaron and "Fik-Shun" and Amy and Jasmine are all great people and they're all great dancers. So it could've gone either way. Everything happens for a reason, so it's just how America saw it this week, and it happened the way it did.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.