USA Network has revealed the cast of Summer Camp, a new reality competition series which will take adults and send them back to summer camp and premiere Thursday, July 11 at 8PM ET/PT.


Summer Camp -- which will be hosted by former American Idol finalist Matt Rogers -- will feature 16 adults from all different backgrounds and jobs, ranging from a self-proclaimed "geek girl" to an attractive Latin firefighter to a "tomboy-turned-femme fatale," packing their bags and heading to a lakeside retreat in Big Bear, CA for a battle of the sexes.

Once at the retreat, the participants will compete in competitions inspired by classic camp games and eventually face off in a "Campathalon," an Olympic-style event, after friendships and alliances have been made. The winning camp will receive a $250,000 cash prize to be split amongst the remaining contenders.

Below are the identities of Summer Camp's 16 campers, as well as their USA-supplied personality type and biographical descriptions:

The Girls Camp:

- Erin Cosgrove, "The Country Girl" (Age 24)

From Tarin Springs, Florida, this fiery, redheaded personal trainer grew up the ultimate tomboy. Her country living taught her how to build a fire, catch a fish and skin a deer, but she's still deathly afraid of snakes. Everything changed for Erin when she went to camp in seventh grade, where her bunkmates taught her the ins and outs of how to tap into her girly side. Now, this country bumpkin will use her physical strength, knowledge of the outdoors and feminine wiles to try and eliminate her competitors.

- Melinda Gross, "The Geek" (Age 26)

A professional stunt-woman from Denver, Colorado, Melinda admits to being a costume play nerd who loves comic books, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and even calls her car "the Batmobile." She spends her weekends dressing up as her alto ego Batgirl, and her home is littered with comic book collectibles. But don't underestimate this "Geek Girl" unless you want to fall victim to her Golden Lasso of Truth!

- Brooke Magnum, "The Model" (Age 23)

Brooke was born and raised in a large Mormon family in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is a strong believer in being "good to thy neighbor." Having grown up an overweight tomboy sporting a mullet, Brooke surprised everyone, even herself, when she shed her ugly duckling exterior and started a modeling career. Beware of this hot "girl next door" because not only will she distract you with her good looks, but she will kill you with kindness.

- Isis Mckenzie, "The Pageant Queen" (Age 33)

From Rancho Cucamonga, California, Isis is a total flirt and is a self-proclaimed great kisser! A veteran pageant queen, she has traveled on adventures around the world, charming people with her looks and outgoing personality. Perpetually 10 minutes late, Isis gets away with it by flashing a smile and a wink. She says her strength is making other people feel good, which may turn out to be her secret weapon.

- Michelle Schexnayder, "The Bayou Bodybuilder" (Age 24)

Brains, beauty and brawn -- this bayou belle from Lafayette, Louisiana, is the complete package. A seasoned power lifter, video game nut and range-shooting enthusiast, Michelle is full of surprises. And now this Hooters bartender is ready to flex her impressive muscles as she takes on the competition this summer.

- Rachel Spalding, "The Yogi" (Age 27)

Rachel is a bubbly, energetic yoga instructor and life coach from Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, whose goal in life is to spread joy as much as possible. She starts each morning with a green juice, some meditation, and her visualization of the day. Rachel firmly believes that you are a direct reflection of what you project into the world and this "Yogi" will not leave her house unless she feels she is the ultimate "being of positivity."

- Lauren Von Drashek, "The Mean Girl" (Age 23)

Lauren is one mean Midwestern girl from Woodbury, Minnesota, who has no filter and always tells it like it is. Growing up Lauren played hockey on both the girls and boys teams, but spent most of the games in the penalty box because she was too aggressive. This "Mean Girl" has a degree in dietetics and works at a gym to help people lose weight and try to become more like her.

- Meaghan Cooper, "The Flirt" (Age 27)

The boys had better watch out, because this bombshell fitness model and country music artist, from San Antonio, TX, isn't afraid to use her looks as a weapon, and tends to leave a trail of men in her wake. Meaghan loves a challenge, and will do her best to flirt her way to victory. And thanks to Meaghan's wild streak, her fellow campers may have a tough time taming her strong will.

The Guys Camp:

- Mikey Benzaia, "The Smart Ass" (Age 26)

Mikey is your typical wise guy from Middleton, New York. He's a know-it-all who enjoys being the center of attention and prides himself on being a total ladies man. As a former camp counselor, Mikey fondly remembers his years at summer camp where he had the best time of his life -- losing his virginity, pulling pranks on the other cabins and excelling in all team activities. Mikey says he'll definitely win challenges because he's the king of talking smack, can get into anyone's head, and isn't afraid to speak his mind.

- Justin Jackson, "The Hunter" (Age 41)

From Tuskahoma, Oklahoma, Justin is "The Great Outdoorsman" who says his favorite sound is the call of elk in the morning. He has hunted everything from turkeys to bears and is associated with every organization that supports the right to bear arms. Justin fondly remembers his years at church camp where he was considered a prankster. Extremely competitive, no animal or person will stand in Justin's way of winning!

- Chris Grant, "The Class Clown" (Age 25)

This funny guy from Bronx, New York is a special education high school teacher. As a child, Chris struggled with his weight until he discovered his love for basketball and played every day for two hours. He attended Britney Spears' performing arts summer camp, where he was free to be his crazy self and even met Britney. Now, this former class clown is ready to steal the show and win.

- Kyle Kleiboeker, "The Broadway Performer" (Age 25)

From theater geek to Broadway chic, Kyle is a true "look at me now" story. Coming from a family of NFL athletes in Prairie Village, Kansas, he had a lot to live up to but always loved to perform and entertain. Pegged as the drama nerd in high school, he really came into his own during summers at theater camp and eventually flourished landing the leading role in every play and musical, and eventually on Broadway. His dream is to represent all theater geeks and prove that they can dance circles around the football jocks.

- Chuck Lines, "The Sci-Fi Nerd" (Age 25)

This "manny" from Dubois, Pennsylvania, was the king of the nerds in high school! He studied the moves of Mark Hamill, and is now prepared for light saber battles that may come his way. Despite not being built like a jock, Kyle uses his brains and agility to outsmart others and the camp skills of this former Eagle Scout should not be underestimated.

- Cameron Tylor Harper, "The Cowboy" (Age 23)

Cameron is an old fashioned, Christian cowboy from Florence, Kentucky who is still a virgin. He believes in God, respecting women and rodeo. He loved going to summer camp because that's where he got to meet all the pretty girls. You will never catch him wearing anything but jeans, a T-shirt, boots and a cowboy hat, but his old-fashioned ways might be his secret weapon.

- Mike Ward, "The Soldier" (Age 25)

A star athlete in high school, a dedicated son, and an Air Force sergeant who recently served in Afghanistan, Mike is an "All-American Hero." This handsome soldier from Boise, Idaho, spent his childhood in the South Pacific cliff diving, hunting wild animals, doing missionary work with his parents, playing in the jungle, and eating fried spiders. Mike believes he will win because he has two percent body fat and an eight-pack, but the his secret weapon is his ability to brainwash his enemy and manipulate his opponent.

- Moises Ramos, "The Firefighter" (Age 26)

From Miami Gardens, Florida, Moises is a firefighter who feels like a real life superhero at work and takes pride in helping people. Growing up, Moises was picked on for being heavy and was thrown out of summer camp for his pranks. A shadow of his former self, Moises now prides himself on his physique and winning smile. The girls team better watch out and not fall for Moises' charm and good looks, because he's definitely a force to be reckoned with.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.