A time capsule buried on San Francisco's highest peak was unearthed and opened 90 years later -- and the box turned out to contain dozens of surprises.


Mayor London Breed and about 250 other spectators attended the event Saturday, which saw the San Francisco Historical Society examining the contents of the time capsule removed after 90 years from its concrete bed at the 103-foot Mount Davidson Cross.

The historical society said news reports from 1933 listed only a small handful of items inside the box, including water from the River Jordan, rocks from the Garden of Gethsamane in Jerusalem, local newspapers and city directories.

Officials opened the copper box with a power tool and were surprised to discover more than 30 items, including a preserved olive branch from Jerusalem and a 1933 Bay Area phone book. Officials said all of the items were remarkably well-preserved.

The unboxing had to be moved to an indoor venue due to high winds. Officials said they had not yet found the River Jordan water or the Jerusalem stones, but they could still be inside the box.


The San Francisco Historical Society said the items from the capsule will eventually go on display in its museum. The group said a new time capsule will be buried in the same spot.