In listings of the reality show contestants who were most successful in turning their fifteen minutes of fame into a showbiz career, the name most frequently found at the top is Survivor: The Australian Outback's Elisabeth Filarski Hasselbeck. Now Elisabeth can add a new title to her accomplishments: mother.


The Associated Press reports that Elisabeth, who just went on maternity leave from her co-hosting role on ABC's The View morning show on March 30, gave birth to a daughter weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces this morning in a New York hospital. The baby girl will share an April 6 birthday with her father, NFL Washington Redskins' quarterback Tim Hasselbeck.

The baby's name will be revealed by Elisabeth in a phone call to her View co-hosts tomorrow. Filling in for Elisabeth on the show this week is teenage multiplatinum singer and movie/TV star Hilary Duff (who just happens to record for ABC's sister company Hollywood Records). The show also features co-hosts Barbara Walters, Meredith Vieira, Star Jones Reynolds and Joy Behar.

In addition to Elisabeth's current hosting role with The View, she has also hosted The Look For Less on the Style Network. And, for those people interested in seeing Elisabeth's original role that made her a TV star, Viacom's CBS and Paramount divisions are releasing a 6-disk complete set (about 13 hours long) of Survivor: The Australian Outback on DVD on April 26, with a suggested retail of $39.99 in the U.S.

After Hilary Duff's full week of guest-hosting, other substitute hosts scheduled to appear on The View during Elisabeth's maternity leave, which runs through May 6, are:

• April 11 -- April 13 - Andrea Bowen (ABC's "Desperate Housewives");
• April 14 -- April 15 - Tennis star/model Anna Kournikova;
• April 18 -- April 22 - Kaley Cuoco (ABC's "8 Simple Rules");
• April 25 -- Kassie DePaiva (ABC's "One Life to Live");
• April 26 -- Robin Roberts (ABC's "Good Morning America");
• April 27 -- April 29 - Mila Kunis (Fox's "That '70s Show");
• May 2 -- Constance Marie (ABC's "George Lopez").

The guest hosts for the last four days have not been announced. However, the odds on them having connections to ABC or Disney are very, very high.

UPDATE: In her phone call to The View on Thursday morning, Elisabeth, 27, revealed that the baby would be named Grace Elisabeth Hasselbeck. She also told her co-hosts that she is feeling "a little beat up" after the birth but that it was "all worth it," and, in typical new-parent-speak, she described Grace as "just awesome" and "the cutest thing ever." Mother and baby are expected to be released from the hospital tomorrow.

Finally, in another blow to the weakening prohibitions against gambling in most of the U.S., The View co-host Jay Behar said that she and producer Bill Geddie, who bet that Elisabeth would give birth to a baby girl, were owed $100 each by co-hosts Meredith Vieira and Star Jones Reynolds, who bet on a baby boy. No word on whether the gambling-phobic NFL, which suspended Alex Karras for the entire year of 1963 for placing a half-dozen $50-$100 bets, intends to investigate Tim Hasselbeck to see if he played any role in this public flouting of the gaming laws....