Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance's cast has revealed which castaway they'd like to eliminate right away if possible, and the majority of players want Kass McQuillen gone.


At least eight of the game's 20 players admitted they'd like to take Kass out immediately because her personality on Survivor: Cagayan -- which she finished in third place -- was extremely intimidating and untrustworthy, Entertainment Weekly reported.

Kass flipped on Tasha Fox during their season, so Tasha told EW she "has a sore spot" for her that she needs "to take care of." Andrew Savage said Kass can't be trusted, Kimmi Kappenberg insisted she's "manipulative," Kelley Wentworth admitted it's enough in itself that Kass dubbed herself "Chaos Kass," and Joe Anglim called her "an easy vote" in the beginning.

"She's got an uphill battle. Why would you ever trust her?" Andrew said. "I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt but I'm not stupid."

"That chick is going to be crazy and those people are so unpredictable," Kelley noted of Kass.


Fellow Season 31 castaways who were against Kass right from the start included Jeff Varner, Kelly Wiglesworth, Monica Padilla and Shirin Oskooi. Jeff explained Kass is confident but in a scary way.

"[Kass] has no body language. She just sits," Jeff told EW, implying that her body language is evidence of deception. "Master liars don't move. They know that you can catch them lying so they don't give you that."

Vytas Baskauskas, however, argued Kass might be a good person to keep around for a while considering she'd make for an easy target at any point in the game.

Surprisingly, Kass didn't see herself as a huge threat going into the game. She insisted bigger threats surrounded her such as Spencer Bledsoe and Joe Anglim.

Other names that were being tossed around as potential first vote-offs were Vytas, Stephen Fishbach, Andrew, and Jeff.


Vytas pointed out that Jeff put his entire life on hold to appear on Survivor again and had campaigned to get on the show hard so he's "hungry" to win.

Shirin was intimidated by how "charming" people might find Vytas, and Kass explained Vytas is "calculated," like "a serial killer."

Andrew confessed Stephen is a "Super Fan, brilliant strategist and genius," all of which would be reasons to snuff his torch as soon as possible.

Survivor's next edition premieres Wednesday, September 23 with a special 90-minute broadcast at 8PM ET/PT and will be directly followed by the finale of Big Brother's seventeenth season from 9:30-11PM ET/PT.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.