The Bachelor featured a heated confrontation between Juliana Pasquarosa and Carolina Sofia, Rose Sombke lashing out at Carolina and then quitting, and Grant Ellis eliminating three women during the Season 29 episode that aired Monday night on ABC.


At the fourth Rose Ceremony of the season in Madrid, Spain, Grant denied roses to Natalie Phillips, a 25-year-old Ph.D. student from Louisville, KY, and Parisa Shifteh, a 29-year-old pediatric behavior analyst from Birmingham, MI.


"Every experience I had with him was good. It was so fun! That's why I'm so confused," Parisa said in her final words.

"Did I talk about rocks too much? It just sucks. But I'm excited to see my cat... and reassure him that I did not abandon him."


Rose, a 27-year-old registered nurse from Chicago, IL, also chose to leave The Bachelor because she felt Carolina had ruined her blossoming relationship with Grant.

The Bachelor broadcast began with most of the bachelorettes upset and frustrated about the mood shift during the prom because of Carolina's decision to "start drama" and "throw Rose under the bus," according to Zoe McGrady, a 27-year-old tech engineer and model from New York, NY.

Juliana, a 28-year-old client service associate from Newton, MA, told Carolina, a 28-year-old from West Hollywood, CA, that she wished Carolina had waited until the end of the night to share her concerns with Grant because it altered the tone and outcome of the evening.

Since some of the ladies missed out on time with Grant because of Carolina's issues, Juliana called Carolina's move "selfish."

The Bachelor host Jesse Palmer then let the remaining 10 women know that they'd be traveling to Madrid, Spain for the next round of dates.


Grant said he was well on his way to falling in love.

For his first one-on-one date in Madrid, Grant explored the culture with Dina Lupancu, a 31-year-old attorney from Chicago, IL, whom he called smart, beautiful and driven. But Grant said he was still looking for Dina to let her walls down and be more vulnerable with him.

Grant and the self-declared "Ice Queen" played with local kids, danced in the streets and wrote down their wishes. They both came up with a similar wish, to be happily married with a family.

As the date progressed, Dina apparently opened Grant's eyes to what a 50-50 partnership could look like with a woman.

Dina, who is independent and successful in her career as an attorney, even had trouble letting Grant row their canoe alone because it was in her nature to want to help him and do equal work.


Grant said he definitely felt chemistry with Dina and there was never an awkward moment with her because she was always smiling. He gushed about how she's a strong woman who challenged him but he wanted more depth from her.

During dinner that night, Dina explained how she tended to be regimented and controlled. Grant shared how those personality traits reminded him of his mother, who worked very hard to support him when he was a child. Dina took that as a huge compliment and explained how she wasn't brought up to express her feelings.


Dina also admitted to Grant that she had trouble dating in the real world because a lot of men found her intimidating.

"It's a manly thing to be able to provide for your family, but it's even manlier to know, 'I have a woman who can do it too,'" Dina explained.


Grant saw that as a positive thing in Dina, and he told the cameras that she totally surpassed his expectations during their date. Grant told Dina that he could see a future with her and he wanted to continue exploring their relationship.

Grant then gave Dina a rose and they danced to live music. Dina gushed about how Grant was open, honest and warm, and she thought they had a fantastic date overall.

Meanwhile, Carolina complained to the other women about how she didn't have enough time with Grant, even though she already had a one-on-one date with Grant. It was annoying for the other women since many of them had yet to go on a solo date with Grant.

"Carolina saying all these things, I don't think it's malicious but I do think it's ungrateful and entitled," Litia Garr, a 31-year-old venture capitalist from Salt Lake City, UT, told the cameras.

"I think everyone else is able to play by the rules, and she has kind of isolated herself. It's unfortunate."

A Date Card then arrived for Litia; Carolina; Juliana; Natalie; Rose; Parisa; Zoe; and Alexe Godin, a 27-year-old pediatric speech therapist from New Brunswick, Canada.

They were invited on a group date, which allowed Sarafiena Watkins, a 29-year-old associate media director from New York, NY, the next one-on-one date.

For the group date, each person rode a donkey through Chinchon. Carolina's donkey was a little slow and placed her in the back of the pack.

"I want to hang out with Grant but my donkey really is being an ass," Carolina quipped.

The ladies then learned how to be a matadora by dressing in uniform and waving red flags while Grant pushed a bull head around.

For the competition, each woman was required to ride a mechanical bull. The woman to hold on the longest would win.


"It's the first time I ever thought to myself, 'Six seconds is long enough,'" Carolina quipped after her turn.

In the end, Zoe won extra time with Grant and the pair toasted a couple of glasses of champagne at sunset. Alexe had finished in second place and accused Zoe of stealing her strategy.

At the afterparty that night, Grant surprised Parisa with a handful of rocks from Spain, and she thought the gesture was so sweet, thoughtful and romantic. Parisa felt reassured in that moment.

Rose, however, believed Carolina was at fault for setting her back in the competition. Grant told Rose that he saw "potential" with her, but she could tell that their connection was wavering and it may not be easy to bounce back.

Grant told the cameras that he and Rose definitely had some ground to make up after her alleged lie.

Grant then spoke to Zoe, and he explained how she often came across as "stoic or trying to mask things." Zoe admitted she was difficult to read but she had grown up a woman of color in Virginia after being adopted.

"My entire life, I always just felt like the black sheep. People are like, 'Black women aren't beautiful,' and, 'Being Black is a problem,'" Zoe cried to Grant.

She added, "No men were wanting to date me, and if you combine that with the abuse I dealt with, yes, I shut off my emotions for most of my life. I just never felt worthy of friendship let alone a boyfriend."

Grant comforted Zoe and said he wanted to see more of this emotional side of her. Zoe really opened up to Grant, and he said her story really resonated with him and he definitely felt compassion for her as a Black man who had been through similar struggles.

Meanwhile, Carolina talked to the group of women how she still had "unanswered questions" about Grant. Carolina said her intentions were pure but she was still trying to figure things out.

"I had a great time on our one-on-one, but I still feel like I don't know him," Carolina announced.

"It's almost like how do you get engaged after one date essentially? I really like him but I also still barely know the guy."



Juliana vented to the cameras about how Carolina was so "unappreciative" and it was really "unsettling" for her because she had yet to receive a one-on-one date or a group-date rose. Juliana said while she typically stayed in her lane, she needed to say something.

"You were just so vocal about all the insecurities you had on the date and then on him. It left such a sour taste in all of our mouths," Juliana told Carolina.

Juliana added, "You expressed your unsureness about this process still to this day. If I felt that unsure of who he was as an individual, I would be packing my bags and leaving."

"Okay," Carolina snipped. "What's your question?"

Carolina gave Juliana "an A for effort," but she argued how she wouldn't stay on The Bachelor if she didn't feel real potential with Grant.


"I feel potential right now," Carolina clarified, before adding, "I think he knows where I stand. I think he has no question that I'm here for him."

"I don't think that that's true," Juliana snapped.

"I don't think I've ever asked for your opinion, really," Carolina clapped back. "I think it's very natural to have concerns having known someone for such a little amount of time."

Juliana told Carolina that they were approaching the process differently and she should choose her words carefully going forward. Juliana said Carolina should pack her bags and go, and she didn't plan on apologizing for anything because she didn't like how Carolina was talking about Grant.

Litia agreed most of the women were feeling jealousy and resentment about the time Carolina had with Grant. Litia said people didn't appreciate Carolina's negativity and how she was still questioning The Bachelor process.

Carolina then asked the group to share how they really felt about her, and Rose said it was hard to be positive when Carolina was always so negative.


"If you don't want my opinion, don't ask and I promise I won't share unprompted," Carolina announced.

"I think it sometimes comes unprompted," Juliana countered.

"Okay, well I think your opinions come unprompted, Juliana," Carolina quipped.

Carolina reiterated how she had genuine feelings for Grant and she was entitled to how she was feeling.

"I have never felt the way I feel about Grant in the short time I've known Grant... I'm thinking about introducing him to my parents and that's insane!" Carolina explained to the girls in tears.

When Grant returned to the group of women, he could tell that Carolina was crying, and so he pulled her aside for a chat before handing out the rose.


The girls were frustrated Carolina was getting even more time with Grant, and Carolina ultimately threw Juliana under the bus for unfairly scolding her and questioning her intentions.

The conversation appeared to worry Grant, who ultimately decided not to hand out a rose that night. Juliana felt awful for making Grant feel unsettled, and so she apologized to the other ladies for stirring up drama at the afterparty.

The next day, Grant and Sarafiena went bungee jumping together, and Grant couldn't believe how calm and composed the bachelorette was before participating in such a daring and scary activity.

Grant was grateful to have the positive and bubbly bachelorette by his side, but at dinner that night, he noted how Sarafiena seemed to have her guard up.

Sarafiena laughed about how she was just hesitant to kiss Grant on TV because her mother would be watching.

Grant understood where Sarafiena was coming from, and then she opened up about how she was raised by a single mother and didn't have her father in the picture. Grant could totally relate to that.


"I've definitely been hurt in the past. I was in relationships with people who were not emotionally available. So many times I've heard, 'You're so great on paper, but I don't feel a connection with you,'" Sarafiena shared with Grant.

"And that's really hard to hear, especially when you share so much about yourself. This is the first time in my life when I genuinely feel comfortable sharing so much with someone... I literally jumped off a bridge for you -- and in the pouring rain!"

Sarafiena said her dream is to have a family and show her children what an ideal love could look like between their parents. Grant acknowledged how his relationship with Sarafiena was a slow burn but their connection "caught fire" that night and his feelings had deepened.

Grant said Sarafiena had surprised him with her heart, and he told the bachelorette, "I see a future with you, and I see you as somebody who would make a great wife."

Grant gave Sarafiena a rose, and she gushed about how she felt so safe, happy and respected.

"I definitely feel like I'm falling in love with Grant," Sarafiena told the cameras.


At the cocktail party preceding the fourth Rose Ceremony of the season, Grant pulled Juliana aside to talk about some things that were of concern to him.

Grant asked Juliana to share her side of the story about Carolina, and Juliana explained how it was "astonishing to hear" someone sounding "ungrateful" and "unhappy" after being blessed with a one-on-one date with Grant when other women were praying for that opportunity.

"Carolina had nothing positive to say about the date. It was nothing but negativity and judgement, I think, about you, and that was really hard for all of us to hear," Juliana told Grant.

"That's hard for me to hear," Grant admitted.

"I'm so sorry," Juliana responded.

Juliana's allegation bothered Grant because he thought his date with Carolina in Las Vegas was emotional as well as a blast. At this point, he wasn't "feeling too good" about Carolina.


Grant then confronted Carolina and shared how it hurt him to have her question him, but Carolina said it was natural to have doubts because she had just met Grant and was taking the process seriously.

"I don't want to mess this up or have a proposal that I'm not ready for. But it's not because I don't want this to end in a proposal. I just want us to figure it out before it gets to that point, and I thought we were good," Carolina told Grant.

Grant told Carolina that he wanted her to come straight to him with her doubts because he was trying to find his wife and he was giving each and every woman 100 percent.

Carolina felt pretty defeated after that conversation, but Dina comforted her and stepped up as her friend. Dina told Carolina that she knew what Carolina was feeling and she could see herself in her.

Carolina was so thankful for Dina's support, but Rose was quietly fuming because her relationship with Grant had been so up and down.

"Your actions really set me back, and it really kind of f-cked me over in a big, fat f-cking way," Rose complained to Carolina in front of the other women.


Rose believed she had confided in Carolina only to have Carolina use the information against him.

Rose accused Carolina of sabotaging her relationship with Grant, and she added, "I thought I said it in confidence. I never would've aired that, and you chose to do that... I was the one whose character he was questioning. You backstabbed me... You f-cking did me dirty."

Rose suddenly decided that she didn't want to be on the show anymore, and so she found Grant to talk.

"I can't do this anymore," Rose cried to the cameras.

Rose basically had a meltdown, and she subsequently admitted to Grant that she had reached her breaking point. Both Rose and Grant agreed the Carolina drama had derailed their romance, and so she decided to leave.

"It really is in my best interest to go home," Rose told Grant.


"I respect that, and you have to do what's right for you," Grant replied.

Litia, meanwhile, complained about how Carolina's way of furthering her relationship with Grant was at the expense of others, and she acknowledged how it was unfair to Grant as well as to the other bachelorettes.

At the fourth Rose Ceremony of the season, Grant handed out roses to Litia, Juliana, Alexe, Zoe, and Carolina.

Grant therefore eliminated Natalie and Parisa.

"It just hurts my feelings. It took a leap of faith to be here. I hoped it would pay off and it didn't in the way that I hoped, but that's okay. I know I'm worthy of love, and I know that I'll find my forever love. I guess it's just back home," Natalie said in her final words.

And Parisa said she didn't see her ouster coming "at all."



Click here to read spoilers that reveal what happens on Grant's The Bachelor season, including his winner and runner-up.

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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.