The Bachelor featured Matt James getting caught in tension between Victoria Larson and Marylynn Sienna as well as handing out date roses to Bri Springs, Lauren Maddox, and Sarah Trott, who suddenly got "overwhelmed" and dropped out of the Rose Ceremony during the Season 25 broadcast that aired Monday night on ABC.


Matt gave Bri, a 24-year-old communications manager from Owatonna, MN, and Sarah, a 24-year-old broadcast journalist from San Diego, CA, roses during their one-on-one dates with Matt.


And Lauren, a 29-year-old corporate attorney from Miami, FL, earned herself the group-date rose.

The Bachelor Season 25 Episode 2

The Bachelor broadcast began with 24 bachelorettes still in the running for Matt's heart.


In addition to Bri, Sarah and Lauren, the other women included Abigail Heringer, a 25-year-old client financial manager from Salem, OR; Rachael Kirkconnell, a 24-year-old graphic designer from Cumming, GA; Chelsea Vaughn, a 29-year-old runway model from Marietta, GA; and MJ Snyder, a 23-year-old hairstylist from Hudson, OH.

Matt also continued to date Serena Pitt, a 22-year-old publicist from Markham, ON; Khaylah Epps, a 28-year-old healthcare advocate from Bronx, NY; Kristin Hopkins, a 27-year-old attorney from Virginia Beach, VA; Kit Keenan, a 21-year-old fashion entrepreneur from New York, NY; Magi Tareke, a 32-year-old pharmacist from Adwa, Ethiopia; and Pieper James, a 24-year-old graduate student from Happy Valley, OR.

More bachelorettes included Mariela "Mari" Pepin, a 24-year-old marketing director from Luquillo, Puerto Rico; Illeana Pennetto, a 25-year-old health food developer from South Salem, NY; Jessenia Cruz, a 27-year-old social media marketer from San Antonio, TX; Kaili Anderson, a 26-year-old hostess from San Diego, CA; and Marylynn, a 28-year-old event coordinator from Huntington Beach, CA.

Matt also still had Serena Chew, a 24-year-old flight attendant from San Bruno, CA; Sydney Johnson, a 28-year-old marketing specialist from Franklin, TN; Alana Milne, a 26-year-old photographer from San Antonio, TX; Katie Thurston, a 29-year-old bank marketing manager from Lynnwood, WA; Anna Redman, a 24-year-old copywriter from Owatonna, MN; and Victoria, a 27-year-old self-described "queen" from New York, NY, on the show.

The Bachelor host Chris Harrison met with the girls and dropped off the first Date Card of Season 25, which had Bri's name on it for the first one-on-one date of the season.



Bri lamented that she had worn her worst outfit that morning, but she appeared to have time to change into jeans and a beige sleeveless turtleneck.

This was apparently Matt's first date in a long time, and he and Bri went four-wheeling.

Sarah and Jessenia discussed how they felt happy for Bri and it seemed she and Matt had established a good connection on the first night, but Victoria pointed out that she wasn't happy for Bri because she wanted that first date.

Marylynn admitted everyone was jealous of Bri in this moment, but Victoria insisted she wasn't jealous.


"I'm not tail-spinning, I'm the only one that's being real! Girls that are happy for Bri are all fake as sh-t. The reality of the situation is that we're all here to date Matt; we're not here to be in a sorority," Victoria announced to the group.

Jessenia said everyone deals with their emotions differently and she's capable of being happy for another woman while having a crush on Matt. Jessenia could tell Victoria had an "intense" energy about her and might end up ostracizing herself from the cast.

On Bri and Matt's date, Bri hopped on the back of Matt's ATV and he did so many donuts in the mud that they flipped over and fell off! Although the pair laughed together, Bri teased Matt and shouted, "I trusted you!"

Matt's first thought was that Bri's mom was going to kill him. He vowed to protect Bri better from that point forward and keep her safe.

Matt then chopped some wood and the pair sat in a wood-fired hot tub outdoors. When Matt took his shirt off, Bri said Matt is the "most gorgeous man" she's ever seen.


The pair enjoyed champagne in the hot tub and Matt apologized for tossing Bri off the ATV, but she said it brought them closer together -- although Matt would have to find ways to redeem himself for the near-death experience.

Matt and Bri then kissed, and she planned to discuss their upbringings and open up at dinner later that day.


During the pair's dinner, Bri revealed to Matt that her mother got pregnant at age 13 with her and so she was her mother's priority her entire life.

Bri said she learned during quarantine that her mother was pregnant with a fiance and was about to start a family that Bri wasn't physically a part of. Bri said there was a moment in time when she didn't feel like she had a home to go home to anymore.

Bri has somewhat of a relationship with her father, but he's apparently been absent most of her life.

Matt said his father also wasn't around during his childhood and he often wondered what was wrong with him. Matt said he gravitated towards friends with big families, and Bri was impressed by the similarities she and Matt had.

"[I want] that one person I can feel like, 'This is my family.' If I can find someone to do that with, I'm ready, because that's where I'm at in my life," Bri shared.

Meanwhile, the girls were finding Victoria "off-putting" and Alana even called her "an idiot" as the second Date Card arrived.

The following 18 girls learned they'd be accompanying Matt on the group date: Chelsea, Serena P., Abigail, Sydney, Illeana, Kristin, Lauren, Jessenia, Serena C., Kit, Kaili, Katie, MJ, Mari, Pieper, Rachael, and Victoria.

Matt was then shown giving Bri a rose on their date, and Matt said Bri has a lot of the qualities he wants in a partner and someone he'd like to spend more time with.


Bri said she had developed a deep connection with Matt based on their shared experiences, and she hoped what happened that night could continue for "a really long time."


Matt and Bri then watched a fireworks display, as the other girls watched it from the hotel jealous and shocked.

Victoria told the group that she's "authentic and real" unlike most of them, and then she called out Marylynn for being rude to her earlier in the day. Marylynn asked how she had been rude because she said she just wanted to get to know Victoria better.

"You said, 'I want to pick your brain and understand you to see why you act the way you do.' You said that," Victoria recalled, adding, "That's insulting to me."

Marylynn said she and Victoria had to room together and so she was trying to make things better, and then Victoria called Marylynn "psychologically disturbed" and decided to move out of their room and sleep on a couch.

"I'm going to be with Matt, and the rest of it is just ridiculous. I am literally a queen and I can't wait for Matt to send [Marylynn] home so I can have my own room, just like a queen should," Victoria told the cameras.

For the first group date, 18 women were asked to change their outfits and put on wedding gowns for a wedding photo shoot with Matt dressed in a tuxedo as the groom. Matt wanted to be able to envision what a wedding would look like with each woman.

Serena C. said she could totally see Matt as her future husband, and Jessenia got a kiss from Matt while posing. Victoria also kissed Matt after she asked him to remove a garter from her thigh, which many girls deemed tacky and trying-too-hard.

Chris then showed up on the date when half the women had yet to pose with Matt. Chris explained the date would become about fighting for Matt.


With that being said, the girls essentially had to play a game of Capture the Flag using two giant stuffed hearts, which symbolized catching Matt's heart.


The bachelorettes were split up into two teams and the first team to retrieve the opposing team's heart and bring it back to their side would win. Along the course, there were bouquets, purses and more items dipped in paint and the girls were required to tag their opponents.

The winning team would be able to spend more time with Matt that evening, but the losing team would have to take their painted dresses home to spend the night alone.

Chris also added there were no rules, and Serena C. acknowledged, "We're going to war for Matt's heart! That's what we're doing today."

The competition became fierce very quickly, with Khaylah and Rachael gaining some ground as paint flew in the air and women ran around blasting each other.

Mari on the Gold Team ended up wrestling the entire Red Team to try to steal the heart, and then MJ managed to steal the heart and bring it home for the Red Team.

The Red Team was comprised of Jessenia, Khaylah, Kit, Lauren, MJ, Victoria, Kaili, Serena P., and Pieper. Mari also got to go to the afterparty since she was chosen as MVB.


And Mari was aware the "MVB" trophy, which stood for the "Most Valuable Bride," for her effort and hustle.

Rachael felt she had given the competition her all and was really proud of herself, and she cried about the fact she had to go home and miss out on time with Matt.

The losing team went back to the hotel totally drained, tired and upset. Even the usually peppy and optimistic Katie cried about how she was disappointed about missing out on time with Matt.


"I have never been so excited about somebody. It's been a long time. But you can't fall in love if you don't even have time with the guy," Katie lamented in a confessional.

Lauren sat down with Matt first at the afterparty and Matt said he had seen a different side of her.


Lauren told Matt that she was looking for a man of faith -- like her father -- and someone who's loyal, forgiving, kind and would give her and himself grace along with unconditional love.

Matt grew up in the church but said he never led with being a Christian in relationships because it tends to turn some people off; however, he loved hearing Lauren say that and noted it was affirming and he wants the same thing in a relationship.

Matt told Lauren that she's beautiful and smart.

Jessenia then shared with Matt how she's dealt with a lot of infidelity in her past relationships, which has made it difficult for her to trust men.

Jessenia said her parents have been through a lot and family means the world to them and she's looking for a rock and a sincere connection that would result in unity. Matt told Jessenia that he longs to be a provider and good husband and father, and then the couple shared a kiss.

Back at the hotel, the third Date Card arrived for Week 1 and had Sarah's name on it. Sarah gushed about being so excited to be able to share a solo date with Matt.


Victoria then sat down with Matt and explained although she came across very confident, she still has insecurities such as, "Do I look fat?" Matt in turn said he doesn't have everything together either.

Matt told Victoria that he loved how she's unapologetically herself and he'd continue to challenge her to continue being herself. Victoria asked for a kiss at the end of their conversation, and she said she hadn't been that deep with a man for a while.


Matt then handed out the group-date rose to Lauren, saying he had really enjoyed their conversation and they share very similar values.

Matt said he felt completely confident in his rose decision, and then he kissed Lauren, who was thankful to have received some validation that she's not crazy and Matt was feeling the same way that she felt.

The next day, Matt took Sarah in a biplane and she was admittedly a little scared and nervous about the adventure. But Matt made Sarah feel safe and protected in the plane.


When Sarah and Matt flew over the other girls, Rachael confessed she was "jealous as hell" of Sarah's first date with The Bachelor star.

Once Sarah and Matt landed, they sat by a fire in the woods and just talked to each other. Sarah shared how family is very important to her and she talks to her family every single day.

Sarah told Matt that her father is the most loving and sincere person and she's even closer to him than she is to her mother, but Matt could tell Sarah was struggling with something and was a bit closed off. Matt wanted Sarah to be genuine and open up.

"I really want it to work with Sarah," Matt said.

At dinner that night, Sarah admitted she's such a private person and it's really hard for her to open up. She explained how her father was diagnosed with ALS when she was in college  and he's slowly losing the ability to speak, walk and talk.

Sarah said the life expectancy is 2-5 years but her father has surpassed doctors' expectations and has lived five years since his diagnosis. Sarah said watching her father change was difficult and unimaginable.


Sarah told Matt that she quit her job in TV news to be a caregiver for her father at home.

Matt said he'd pray for Sarah and her family and he couldn't think of "a more selfless act" than Sarah moving home to assist her family.

"The fact that she should be home with her paps right now, with her family, and she's here with me having dinner, I don't even know what to say. It's, like, an honor," Matt gushed in a confessional.


Sarah admitted it was hard to leave her father to go on The Bachelor but her dad wanted her to find love and have fun. Sarah just asked Matt to continue being real and said she felt so comfortable with him.

"I think there's something special," Sarah noted, before Matt gave her a rose.


Matt appreciated how honest and open Sarah was, and he said he loved seeing her big heart.

The couple then kissed and Matt called Sarah "resilient," adding, "What more can you ask for when you're looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with?"

Sarah could tell this was the start to something so beautiful and special, and she seemed totally smitten with The Bachelor star.

It then became time for the cocktail party preceding the season's second Rose Ceremony.

Matt advanced his connection with Abigail and said their conversation just flowed and she made him laugh, and Magi explained to Matt how she'd cook him amazing Ethiopian food.

Marylynn then told Matt the process was hard for her because she had missed out on a date with him that week. However, Matt remembered their conversation on Night 1 and said, "I see you."


"Just because you didn't go on a date doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about you," Matt said.

Matt remembered Marylynn saying her favorite flower is an orchid and so he surprised her with a few orchids in a vase. Marylynn couldn't believe Matt had remembered that detail when she wasn't even sure he had remembered her name.

"Marylynn is toxic. I have so many things to say to Matt. I was not going to tell him about the issues in the house with Marylynn, but my ultimate state is of love," Victoria told the cameras. "That goes back to me being an empath... and I think Marylynn should go home."

Victoria therefore sat down with Matt and accused Marylynn of creating a toxic state at the resort.


"She cries to manipulate situations and she's just, like, straight-up toxic," Victoria told Matt. "I had to sleep on the couch temporarily because having that in the house, it's really hard... It was crazy."


Matt said he had no idea that was going on, and he apologized for rushing their conversation earlier if she was trying to share that.

Victoria claimed the house was really toxic and she was trying her best to maintain a positive attitude. Matt couldn't believe these things were weighing on Victoria, and he promised to get to the bottom of things.

Matt didn't like the sound of Marylynn potentially "bullying" Victoria.

"I'm not about that. That's whack. Victoria hasn't held back anything from me, so why would she make something like this up? I don't know how I feel about Marylynn right now," Matt explained.

As a result, Matt found Marylynn and pulled him aside for another chat. Marylynn wondered if she was in trouble, and then Matt shared with her how Victoria had accused her of saying "some hurtful things."

Marylynn insisted she was on the show for Matt and is not the type of person who would spite anyone or get involved in drama.


Marylynn said Victoria was making everything up and it wasn't okay for Victoria to jeopardize her time and relationship with Matt, who noted he had a lot to think about.

Marylynn asked Victoria to talk and Victoria refused to even sit next to Marylynn.

Marylynn said there was a lot of miscommunication between them and she just wanted to speak from her heart. Marylynn apologized for hurting Victoria's feelings, and then Victoria snapped that they had "very different realities of what had occurred."

Marylynn acknowledged Victoria's feelings and insisted she just didn't want to fight anymore, but Victoria said they're like "oil and vinegar."

Marylynn hoped to come to an understanding because she claimed she had never said those things, but Victoria said, "I don't want to," and then walked away.

Victoria claimed Marylynn had taken advantage of things and bullied her.


"I don't think Marylynn has anything to offer. I think she's fake as sh-t. The sooner Matt gets rid of her, the better!" Victoria vented.

The other women were upset Matt had been approached with the drama because it was taking away from the girls' time with him.

Matt later told Chris that the drama was concerning but he planned to just follow his gut. He also told the ladies that he believed his wife was standing in that room.

Matt then handed out roses in the following order: Pieper, Kit, Magi, Rachael, Abigail, Chelsea, Jessenia, Katie, and Serena C.

"I'm so grateful I have a rose because Victoria ruined the night. Maybe he sees a different side to her, but the longer she's here, the more I question my relationship with Matt," Sarah said.

"I never felt like this before, and right now, I'm just overwhelmed."


Sarah suddenly left the Rose Ceremony because she was apparently about to pass out. Sarah said she was "seeing stars" and so a medic tended to her right away.

The episode then ended on a cliffhanger, and Sarah revealed, "I'm blacking out. I can't see."


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.