Alex Woytkiw got the rose from JoJo Fletcher on last week's two-on-one date with fellow The Bachelorette suitor Chad Johnson.
During a recent interview, Alex -- who is still on the show and in the running for JoJo's heart -- discussed his battle and issues with Chad, as well as his reasoning for wanting to be the guy who led the pack against the villain.
Below is a portion of Alex's interview. Check Reality TV World's The Bachelorette 12 page for more.
I don't know how much you watched The Bachelorette or The Bachelor, but historically, the person who kind of rats the person out the most never really seems to get the girl or the guy. Were you worried about that but just needed to come clean for JoJo's sake, or did you not even think about that angle?
Alex Woytkiw: So, just for my own sanity here, because of all the things happening in the house with Chad, whenever you're doing interviews [about him], you're going to comment on this. Like, you're going to say how you feel, and I said how I felt about a lot of things -- good and bad.
That being said, when it came to my relationship with JoJo, which I have at this point in all of this -- just because you're not seeing it so much, it's there, and I've been getting to know her at this point [in the season]. And, I just tried really hard not to talk about other guys with her. I tried to compartmentalize my relationship and focus on me and JojJo.
And then when I got put on this two-on-one, I believe that I was there because a lot of other guys that had mentioned things about Chad to her, mentioned that I was outspoken about it. And, I looked at it as, "Okay, look, I'm on a two-on-one. You know, I'm either going home or I'm staying. I got nothing to lose here. I don't care how it looks, I'm going to just speak from the heart and tell her how I feel about all this."
Obviously, there's parts of the conversation that just doesn't make it on the air, but, it was, you know, I sat down, she asked me questions, and I shared exactly what I felt. And you see how all of that crumbled.
Chad challenged you to get another tattoo to look more tough. Have you gotten another tattoo since the show aired?
Alex Woytkiw: (Laughs) Actually, no, I haven't gotten any more tattoos. I mean, I plan on it, but, yes, it was kind of funny. But that didn't really make sense. I think that when someone resorts to making fun of you or calling out the superficial, like the shallow depths that Chad would go to on insulting me, it's just whatever.
So, for me, I have a much larger issue with people attacking my character. And the guys that I'm living with could attack my character just in the way we were attacking [Chad] because of his behavior. So, yes, I think that the issue was, at the end of the day, we were deeper, we were looking at him much deeper and thought we were seeing who he really was.
And, all he could grasp was making fun of my tattoos or, you know, or how tall I am or something and it's just whatever, like water under the bridge with him. [Maybe I'll get] a "Chad Bear," yes, or a piece of cake with Chad's name on it but I wouldn't bite. You know, something like that. (Laughs)

How did you become the guy who was at the forefront of the Chad situation. You were the one confronting JoJo about his character even before the two-on-one date went down. It seems like you had the biggest issue with Chad and were the most vocal about it.
Alex Woytkiw: You know, I think [I kept quiet] up until the point during one of the cocktail hours where I confronted Chad about cutting people off, and everyone had a shared opinion as far as not agreeing with how on how he was going about this whole entire experience. It's not about the man, it's about JoJo. It was about her the whole time.
And some of the other guys, he just kept interrupting [them] and was not caring for her in terms of [allowing her] the opportunity to even meet and get to know another guy. I just didn't think it was a cool move. And so, we had talked about it. We had confronted him. And then, at that point, what tipped me over the edge was when he cut off [Evan Bass] during a cocktail hour.
And I approached [Chad] and said, "Hey, man, like you're pretty much -- you've already talked to her a handful of times. Other guys are here, she deserves that, that opportunity to get to know us." And that was not intended to turn into what it turned into as far as, like, a full-blown, [near]-fight type of vibe.
And, I certainly didn't mean to line myself up as the tip of the spear, so to speak, with the fight against Chad. But, you know, it happened. And moving forward, it's just like, I felt him continuously disrespecting my friends.
There's so much that people just, you can't see because you don't have enough time [for it all]. But, it's like if you saw how he was talking to everyone there, I couldn't help myself but to just confront him about it.
And when he specifically said something about [Jordan Rodgers] being an ex-football player that's never done anything, like, "Bro why? Why do you say that? This is on TV man!" And I had to tell him exactly how I felt about it when I heard it, because it's just that disrespectful. So, yes, I think it just came down to trying to stay real through the entire thing. So I thought, "Hey, I don't agree with it. I'll say what I have to say, take it or leave it."
Check Reality TV World's The Bachelorette 12 page for more from Alex's interview.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski