The Bachelorette bachelor Lee Garrett has some explaining to do, as he's currently under fire for allegedly having made racist and sexist comments on social media.


Garrett, a 30-year-old singer and songwriter from Nashville, TN, has a private Twitter account, but the public is outraged after one of his Twitter followers posted screenshots of alleged tweets he had posted about women, liberals, terrorists, and the Black Lives Matter movement dating back to July 2015.

In the screenshots, Garrett apparently tweeted to his followers that they should "never trust a female liberal," and he also described Black Lives Matter as a terrorist group.

"What's the difference between the NAACP [National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] and the KKK [Ku Klux Klan]? Wait for it".. One has the sense of shame to cover their racist ass faces," Garrett allegedly tweeted two years ago.

In another post, Garrett allegedly wrote: "Guys... when is the last time YOU actually saw a pretty feminist? There is a reason for this... 'Meninist'? I have found my calling."


If Garrett truly holds these beliefs, his decision to compete for the heart of an African American star of The Bachelorette, 32-year-old Dallas attorney Rachel Lindsay, would seem ironic.

Lindsay is the first person of color to ever headline the franchise in all of The Bachelor's 21 seasons and The Bachelorette's 13 editions. Lindsay's currently-airing thirteenth season of The Bachelorette also boasts the most diverse cast ever.

"I don't hate Muslims. I do hate Islam. I just mindf-cked a few liberals for standing for something while making reasonable sense," Garrett allegedly tweeted in 2016.

One screenshot claims Garrett wrote, "I wholeheartedly support inhumane torture of terrorists," in addition to, "Thousands sign petition to recognize #blacklivesmatter as terrorist after Dallas."

Previews for upcoming episodes of The Bachelorette suggest Garrett is going to be an opinionated and arrogant troublemaker when it comes to his interactions with other men vying for Lindsay's affection. At one point, Garrett is shown throwing Eric Bigger under the bus and getting chewed out for it.


Garrett, Lindsay and ABC have yet to release a statement on these eyebrow-raising and controversial tweets.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.