The Bachelorette bachelor Marquel Martin, a 26-year-old sponsorship salesman from Las Vegas, NV, is still in the running for Andi Dorfman's heart.


During the show's premiere, Marquel made quite an impression on Andi when he treated her to a cookie tasting. Marquel later shined during a group date in which he danced an erotic routine dressed as a cowboy for charity.

The Bachelorette's next two-hour episode will air on Sunday night at 8PM ET/PT and be followed by another broadcast on Monday night from 8-10PM ET/PT on ABC.

During a Thursday conference call with reporters, Marquel talked about the season thus far. Below is a portion of his interview. Check back with Reality TV World soon for more.

Did you feel an immediate connection with Andi right off the bat? And if so, what was it about her exactly that you were drawn to?


Marquel Martin: Absolutely, I did. From just a general top line, just her beauty alone. I remember stepping out of the limo and seeing her hair kind of flowing to the left, you know, and I was just kind of stunned. Because I like to sort of pay attention to detail as much as I can.

And once I met her on the first night, there was just something about her presence that kind of radiates past just her physical appearance, and that was much for me an attraction right off the bat. I felt she was so cool and down to earth and very attentive to what I had to say. It was just a fun time.

Andi clearly doesn't have much of a tolerance for the guys who came on the show just to party and weren't focusing on her and taking the dating experience very seriously. Do you agree with the decisions she made in eliminating some of the guys?

Marquel Martin: Oh I absolutely agree with her decision, because a lot of us and especially herself, took a big risk on coming on the show to find love, and that's the ultimate goal. Sometimes it work out; Sometimes it doesn't.

But in the case of partying too much and allowing that to kind of be a distraction on the issue at hand, I was pleasantly pleased to know that she was taking it as serious as most of us, for sure.


What are three things that viewers might be surprised to learn about Andi?

Marquel Martin: I'd be surprised to know about Andi that she, hmm, being that she's family oriented and being that she's very career oriented and being that she's a very intelligent woman, I'd be surprised if she's anything less than -- I'd be surprised if she was, you know, because we all have these first impressions so far and we've gotten to know her. I'd be really surprised if that kind of falls away.

I feel like that will carry through and her revealing to us more of who she is and what she believes in. I'd be really surprised if she doesn't give us that same respect in return. I'd be really surprised if she were to kind of have more of the "Juan Pablo response" in terms of, "Hey, it's okay," and not really engaging in our personal lives as well. Because being that it's so important to her, I only expect the same in return.

What do you think viewers don't know about Andi yet? What did you observe about her that fans have yet to see on TV?

Marquel Martin: Honestly, I don't know if -- and this is just from my experience personally, I can't speak for everyone -- but I'm not sure if she's ever dated an African American, you know? So I'm very interested to see, or at least raise that question to her. Because I think that's a very valid question and fair question -- just to ask.


Because that's something that society deals with every day and it's something that I've dealt with in the past in my interracial relationships. It would just be something for my own confidence and kind of understanding on where we both stand and letting her know that. I think that's something I would want to know.

I just wanted to get your thoughts on what it was like to get to know Eric Hill, who passed away, and is it tough watching the episodes back knowing he's no longer with us?

Marquel Martin: Yeah. When we got the news that Eric had passed, it very much kind of hit home. My first impression of Eric was that he was just really -- his personality kind of related to what he loved. Just from talking to him, you knew right away that he loved life. Some people may speak in different terms, where you don't really know what they love in life.

But he genuinely, truly, just cared about living and loving life. I used to joke around with him because he would tell me a story about one of his adventures and I swore, I told him -- and it still stands true to this day -- he was the most interesting man that I've ever met personally.

He's greatly missed. It was a very tragic accident for all of us and it was [difficult], but I have nothing but the utmost respect for him and how he was raised. And my prayers and condolences go out to him.


Do you think any of the guys so far this season may not be on the show for the right reasons or have the best intentions?

Marquel Martin: You know, I honestly haven't tried to speculate as to who is here for the right reasons or who may not be, because I don't think that's a fair judgement. I think people will, within this season, judge me and say like, "Hey, is Marquel here for the right reasons or not?" So I try to not put my judgement on anyone else and kind of just focus on what I'm here for, and hopefully I get that same respect in return.

Obviously, in the nature of any situation, I mean, you can apply that aspect in life. You know, some people may not be as serious as others, and that's not for me to judge. I just have to kind of have an approach on what matters to me and my future.

Above is a portion of Marquel's Thursday conference call with reporters. Check back with Reality TV World soon for more.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.