The Bachelorette bachelor Nick Viall apparently doesn't believe a lack of chemistry between himself and Andi Dorfman in the bedroom contributed to his second-place finish.


"Not in my mind," Viall told Entertainment Tonight of his fantasy-suite lovemaking experience with the show's star, who ended up selecting new fiance Josh Murray at the final Rose Ceremony.

"I mean, the whole experience, like, what I loved about the relationship we had was how much we both throughout it -- when you watch it back -- talked about our emotional and our mental and physical connection. I mean, no, it was -- I mean, I felt good about it."

While blushing and stammering a bit, Viall noted, "It was effortless."

"It wasn't just about the sex. It was more, to me, about the intimacy," he added. "Maybe if I could've just articulated that a little bit more, because we were two consenting adults. It wasn't like she owed me anything because that happened."


When Dorfman joined Viall onstage during After the Final Rose after Monday night's finale, Viall said he was taken aback by her cold demeanor and therefore unintentionally slipped the personal information that they had "made love."

"It was obviously an emotionally-charged environment. I just got done watching the finale, like everyone else," Viall said, adding that The Bachelorette producers "certainly didn't" encourage him to disclose the sex secret on the special.

"I take full responsibility for my actions and words. I even came out afterwards, like, 'Whoa!'... I mean, who goes on to live television expecting to drop that bomb?"

In a separate interview, Dorfman told ET that she felt "definitely blindsided in a sense" about Viall's sex comment.

"You would hope people wouldn't put that on national television," the newly-engaged reality TV star explained. "But you know what? It happened, it's over, it's done. I'm glad to have put that behind me and it reaffirms my decision with Josh absolutely."


Murray called Viall's sex remark "classless and disrespectful" during a Tuesday conference call with reporters.

"That's not what I intended," Viall insisted. "And I respect, you know, obviously Josh is a good guy and he's going to support his fiancee, and I absolutely respect that."

Dorfman also said she didn't feel "shamed" by Viall's revelation.

"Honestly, I don't take it as shaming me on national television. I'm a woman; I can do what I want these days. And if someone wants to air dirty laundry, then it's more shame on them. I have a fiance that loves me and knows everything about this process," Dorfman explained.

Viall replied, "I'm glad she doesn't feel shame because that certainly wasn't my intention, so that means a lot that she feels that way. I know it was a difficult situation for everyone and I wasn't trying to air dirty laundry, for sure."


"I would've loved the opportunity to have a conversation in private, but when you go through a breakup like that -- like "bam it's over" -- it raises a lot of questions and doubts and wonder. That's how people deal with breakups. It wasn't a show to me; It was real life."

One day after filming concluded of The Bachelorette's tenth season, Viall was recorded having a personal conversation with his parents during which he dumped all over Murray, pointing out how he has a bad temper among other insults.

Producers apparently "weren't happy" with him for openly having that discussion on a plane when fellow passengers surrounded him and could eavesdrop.

"I was a mess," Viall told ET of that moment. "I might have been a little hard on Josh, you know? I certainly wish I could take some of that back."

Viall also noted he hopes Murray and Dorfman will be "totally happy" together despite his hurt feelings.


As to whether he has any interest in becoming ABC's next The Bachelor star, Viall gave a noncommittal answer.

"I would need to make sure that my heart is open and ready for that in all fairness to myself and the [women]," Viall said, adding that show producers have yet to approach him about the opportunity. "No, they haven't said anything to me."

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.