The Bachelorette featured Jenn Tran giving the first kiss and her First Impression Rose to Sam McKinney before eliminating seven bachelors at the Rose Ceremony during the Season 21 premiere that aired Monday night on ABC.


Jenn narrowed down her pool of bachelors from 25 to 18 men at the first Rose Ceremony of the season.


Jenn eliminated Brendan Barnum, a 30-year-old real estate broker from Vancouver, BC, Canada; Brett Harris, a 28-year-old health and safety manager from Manheim, PA; Caleb "Moze" Smith, a 25-year-old algebra teacher from Albany, NY; and Dakota Nobles, a 27-year-old sommelier from Paradise Valley, AZ.

Jenn also denied roses to Kevin McDevitt, a 35-year-old financial analyst from Denver, CO; Matt Arnold, a 27-year-old insurance executive from Atlanta, GA; and Ricky Marinez, a 28-year-old pharmaceutical representative from Miami, FL.


The Bachelorette broadcast began with Jenn sharing how Joey Graziadei had broken her heart on The Bachelor. Jenn had felt unwanted and unloved before meeting Joey, but he apparently taught her how to open her heart, be vulnerable and fall in love by showing her true self.

Jenn planned to make her family proud and find her person, and she was also thrilled to represent her heritage and star as the first Asian-American Bachelorette.

Jenn said she wanted to find a funny, kind and smart partner who would prioritize, value, understand and listen to her.

Jenn felt pretty nervous going into Night 1, but she was also excited to "flirt [her] little booty off with a bunch of men!"

Jenn met her bachelors at the Hummingbird Nest Ranch in California instead of the famed Bachelor mansion.


Marcus Shoberg, a 31-year-old Army Ranger veteran from Raleigh, NC, was the first man who stepped out of a limo, and he shared with Jenn how he already accomplished some of his biggest dreams. Marcus was an Army Ranger who did six deployments.

During his last mission, he almost didn't return home. While clearing a compound, a grenade went off and he woke up in the hospital.

Marcus said he appreciates having breath in his lungs every morning and it had been five years since he last seriously dated a woman. Marcus told Jenn that he couldn't wait to get to know her better.

"I like that one! He seemed really, really nice!" Jenn gushed as Marcus walked away from her.

Marvin Goodly, a 28-year-old luxury event planner from Santa Monica, CA, spoke to The Bachelorette star in French, and she called him "tall and hot."


Sam Nejad, a 25-year-old entrepreneur from Carlsbad, CA, told Jenn that she looked "breathtaking," and he revealed that he's a virgin -- "a love virgin" -- because he had never experience genuine love before.

Sam N., whose parents were born in Iran, shared how his first girlfriend is going to be his wife because he takes relationships extremely seriously.

"Call me a Jenn-tleman," Sam N. quipped.

Grant Ellis, a 30-year-old day trader from Houston, TX, did a little beatboxing for Jenn and sang her a song about how the other guys were going to be jealous because she was going to end up as "Mrs. Ellis." The high school basketball star had to pivot from playing ball due to an injury and he pursued a career in finance.

Sam McKinney, a 27-year-old contractor from Myrtle Beach, SC, brought his southern charm to the table by asking Jenn to picture her life 50 years from that point and imagine him making her breakfast in the morning.



The South Carolina native, who had been single for almost a year, was previously engaged but the woman cheated on him and so they split.

That was the biggest heartbreak he had ever experienced. Jenn considered Sam M., who insisted he couldn't wait to be a father and husband, to be "a sexy cowboy."

Thomas Nguyen, a 31-year-old retirement advisor from Tucker, GA, gifted The Bachelorette star with a bracelet that had his last name on it.

Thomas is a swimmer who almost made it to the Olympics in 2016. A torn rotator cuff cost him that dream. Both of his parents are from Vietnam, and Thomas said he really wants a marriage like what his parents have.

Brendan took a bite of a hot pepper during his introduction because he told Jenn that he liked to get his heart racing and things were about to heat up that evening. Jenn seemed to think the introduction was strange, but she did admit that she likes a man who's spicy.

Sam M. said Brendan's stint made "no sense," and Jenn joked of the entrance, "He should've brought me a pepper! Selfish!"

Kevin walked up to Jenn in his ski boots, and Spencer Conley, a 30-year-old pet portrait entrepreneur from Dallas, TX, brought a collection of pocket squares so that he could match The Bachelorette's dress.

Brian Autz, a 33-year-old aesthetics consultant from Boynton Beach, FL, took a shot with Jenn in honor of "shot o'clock."

Brian wasn't the only man who brought shots, but Austin Ott, a 28-year-old sales executive from San Diego, CA, one-upped the other suitors by setting off a fire extinguisher since Jenn looked "so fire."

Ricky recited a sexy poem, and Jenn pointed out how he stared at her boobs the entire time.


Tomas Azzano, a 27-year-old physiotherapist from Toronto, Canada, gave Jenn two puppies to hold, saying he's a cuddly, lovable and loyal man.

"I don't know how anyone is going to top that, seriously, guys," Jenn noted.

Jonathon Johnson, a 27-year-old creative director from Los Angeles, CA, got wheeled up to Jenn in a stretcher with his face covered in bandages.

Jonathon introduced himself to Jenn in a hospital gown and dubbed himself "love sick." He told Jenn that he wanted her to get to know what's on the inside rather than the outside, and when he walked away, Jenn caught a glimpse of his butt.

Jonathon called himself "cheeky" and The Bachelorette star appeared totally shocked by the Night 1 flashing.

"If he's comfortable with his cheeks, I am too, I guess!" Jenn quipped.

Jenn told The Bachelor host Jesse Palmer that she definitely felt sparks and "potential" with some of the guys she had met.

And then Aaron Erb, a 29-year-old aerospace engineer from Tulsa, OK, pulled up on a motorcycle. The aspiring pilot got married at age 21 and then got divorced, which he explained was "a defining moment" in his life.

Aaron is the younger twin brother of Bachelor in Paradise alum Noah Erb, and he told Jenn that he wanted to live an adventurous life -- possibly with her by his side.

"He has this bad-boy energy but also a sweet energy too. Who does want a guy in a suit on a motorcycle?!" The Bachelorette star gushed.

Jeremy Simon, a 29-year-old real estate investor from New York, NY, rolled up in a red corvette, and he told Jenn that while the other guys would probably assume he's overcompensating for something, he actually has "a really big p-nis."

Jenn couldn't believe Jeremy had said that, and he apparently threw her off a little bit.


"I don't like people flexing like that," Brian told the cameras in the mansion.


Dylan Buckor, a 24-year-old medical student from Elk Grove, CA, wore his stethoscope when meeting Jenn. The medical student shared how he was hopefully going to become a doctor one day because he was passionate about medicine after his grandmother suffered from breast cancer.

"I feel like I'm living in a dream," Jenn noted. "These men are blowing it out of the water! They are kind, charming and funny. These guys are really making me feel wanted and desired. I am just feeling so lucky!"

Jahaan Ansari, a 28-year-old startup founder from New York, NY, gave The Bachelorette star the queen piece from a game of chess to represent how he's a queen.

Devin Strader, a 28-year-old freight company owner from Houston, TX, told Jenn, "It's not every day you get to meet your future wife."


Devin described himself as "loud" and "family oriented." Devin was raised by a single mom and so he said he'd love to have a wife and family one day. He wants his marriage to last, and he gushed about how Jenn was "so attractive." He also thought Jenn would be attracted to his big personality.

"Devin is definitely giving me a Pete Davidson vibe, and he is so sweet... I feel like I'm floating. I feel so happy!" Jenn explained.

Hakeem Moulton, a 29-year-old medical device salesman from Schaumburg, IL, ran up to Jenn with dozens of balloons attached to his back. He said the balloons represented how he felt elated and "on Cloud 9" when he found out she's the Bachelorette.

"There's going to be a lot of ups and there are going to be a lot of downs, but I will always be here to uplift you," Hakeem said.

Several of the other men, who were watching from a distance, said they respected Hakeem's creative entrance and thought it was great.

Jenn then kicked off her season's first cocktail party. She said she "never in a million years" thought she'd star on The Bachelorette but she wanted to find "a ferocious love" after enduring troubled and toxic romances in her past.


Jenn admitted she's not perfect and so she didn't expect any of the men to be perfect either, and she shouted about how they were about to have some fun.

Sam M. immediately pulled Jenn aside for a chat, and he shared with Jenn how he was willing to put himself out there and potentially get hurt if it means he could find love. Sam M. let Jenn know that he was "in it for the long haul" and he was serious about wanting a forever relationship.

"Sam M. makes me feel excited! It's an undeniable connection and I don't know what it is. I'm also looking at how hot he is, and I definitely want to kiss him," Jenn gushed in a confessional.

Sam M. kissed Jenn on the cheek, and Jenn acknowledged how a first real kiss was very important to her and so she wanted to get to know the men's hearts before making out with anyone.

Spencer bonded with Jenn over how they are animal lovers, and Jenn liked how he was goofy but also attentive. She said he brought "golden-retriever energy" to the table.

Thomas N. had a lot in common with Jenn given both of their parents are immigrants from Vietnam who had given up their dreams to make a better life for their kids. The conversation touched Jenn's heart in a special place, and the pair spoke about how they'd love for their future children to speak Vietnamese.


The night then took a turn when The Bachelorette cast decided to play "Truth or Dare." Austin accepted a dare and went streaking through the house.

"That got wild really quick!" Jenn said with a laugh. "I love seeing their personalities shine. The boys are having fun with it."

Caleb "Moze" Smith, a 25-year-old algebra teacher from Albany, NY, revealed during the game he had ghosted women "all the time," and Jenn didn't seem thrilled with that news.

Sam N. then sat down with Jenn and shared how his brother got married at age 21 and is still happily married. Since Sam N. took falling in love and getting married very seriously, Jenn said she could relate since she has a similar culture.

Jonathon then unveiled his face to Jenn for the first time and she thought he was "hot."

Later on, Jeremy was talking to Jenn in the car he had driven to the mansion, and Brian -- who stole the keys to the car -- interrupted the pair's time. Jeremy called Brian's stunt "childish," and it was an awkward exchange. Jeremy, however, chose to keep his cool and walk away.


Jenn acknowledged it was "a bold move" on Brian's part, and Jeremy was clearly pissed off.

During Devin's alone time with Jenn, Devin explained how he had to be vocal growing up because he was raised by a single mom and needed to take care of his little brother. Jenn told Devin that she loves a big personality and boasts one of her own.

The couple laughed and had fun, but they could also be serious. Jenn could easily see what being in a relationship with Devin would be like, and he revealed that a turnon for him is a woman with painted fingernails and toenails.

Grant attempted to snag the first kiss of the night by playing a competitive game of basketball with Jenn that had a kiss on the line, but his plan didn't work.

Marcus proceeded to sit down with Jenn, and Marcus said he could tell Jenn was very grounded. Marcus said he loved rock climbing and used to jump out of airplanes for work in the military, but Jenn confessed she's afraid of heights.

Jenn discovered she had "chemistry" with Marcus and she felt "comfortable" with him already.


Aaron shared with Jenn how he's one of 11 kids and he really believed in the process. Aaron said he truly wanted to get to know Jenn and marry his best friend, and The Bachelorette star appreciated his confidence as well as the fact he's really cute.

After a night of great conversations, Jenn decided to give out her First Impression Rose to Sam M.

"I feel like something is there, and I can't stop thinking about you all night," Jenn told the smiling suitor.

"I don't always pick the right men, but there is something in my gut that is telling me there is something here. I'm really excited about it, and I'm really excited to get to know you more. I can't stop thinking about you and I'm excited about it!"

Sam M. "absolutely" accepted the rose, and The Bachelorette star told the cameras how she was "digging" her relationship with him.

Jenn then shared her "really good" first kiss with Sam M., and she noted how it felt "so right" after tension had been building all evening. Jenn gushed about how that kiss was definitely worth the wait.


The Rose Ceremony then commenced, and Jenn handed out roses to Dylan, Thomas N., Spencer, Grant, Marcus, Tomas, and John Mitchell, a 25-year-old medical student from Delray Beach, FL.

Jenn also gave out roses to Jeremy, Devin, Brian, Aaron, Jahaan, Hakeem, Jonathon, Austin, Marvin, and Sam N.

Jenn cried about how she finally felt worthy to be the Bachelorette, and she informed the men that they'd be immediately flying to Melbourne, Australia for the first round of dates.


Click here to read episode-by-episode spoilers about how Jenn's The Bachelorette season unfolds, including her winner and runner-up.

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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.