Kaitlyn Bristowe and Britt Nilsson will both be starring on The Bachelorette's upcoming eleventh season, however, only one of them will survive the cut.


On the very first night of filming, the 25 suitors will be able to decide which lovely lady they'd like to see as the official Bachelorette and their potential wife. When Kaitlyn, a 30-year-old dance instructor from Vancouver, and Britt, a 27-year-old waitress from Hollywood, found out about the news, they weren't exactly thrilled.

During a recent conference call with reporters, Kaitlyn talked about the first night, which will be shown in the season's two-night premiere Monday, May 18 and Tuesday, May 19 on ABC.

Below is the concluding portion of Kaitlyn's interview. To read more, click here and here.

You talked about how hard it was for you to kind of reach the decision to do the show in that you were back and forth for a bit.  How long did it take to actually reach the decision that you wanted to be a part of the show?


Kaitlyn Bristowe:  Like from when I found out there's two Bachelorettes to the first night?  It probably took me a good solid five days of thinking about it, maybe a week.

When we just talked to Britt, she said you guys didn't know what was going on and Chris Harrison didn't tell you anything in the first night.  So, I was just kind of wondering, what were you expecting then?  Did you think you both were going to stay with these 25 bachelors?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  No.  I mean, I guess I was kind of in the dark.  I didn't really know for sure.  But I was just -- I didn't know how it was going to go.  I just think it was going to be a vote.  But I just thought maybe, you know, maybe the guys would have to present us with roses and whoever has the most roses [stays].  I wasn't sure.

The majority of people expect you'll be the one that is staying.  Did you feel confident going into that first night that you would be staying or anything like that?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I mean, I felt confident in myself.  I don't know about the situation because I didn't know, you know, what kind of guys were going to be there.  So, I'm confident who I am.  And it just depended on, you know, what the guys are really looking for.


How would you say that your approach to handling that first night kind of differed from the way Britt seemed to? And how did you interact with the men differently?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  Yes, I think, in my mind, I was a little more hesitant.  It just felt a little awkward, I think, to think of having another person there.  And you know, this competitive-feeling nature isn't something I usually put myself through to find the guy. 

So, I think I was a little more hesitant or uncomfortable.  And I think Britt thought more of like "an incredible opportunity" which I did, too, but I was just a little more uncomfortable.

Given the unusual circumstances, how would you say this first night of the season compared to Chris Soules' first night?  Did there seem to be more or less tension in the air?  How was it different?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I think it's just different for the obvious reason that there's two of us and there's only one of him.  So, you know, he could be a little more relaxed and, you know, just have fun with it where we were [competing with someone].


Would you ideally want to end up with someone who lives in a rural setting like Chris did, or are you more of like a city person would you say?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I've always pictured my life in a rural area.  I live in a city right now, and it's great and it's fun, but when I picture a life, I picture more rural.

Did you find that a lot of the guys were open to meeting both of you or were many of them there for just either you or for Britt?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I think that's hard to say.  Like, I think I was paying more attention to the guys who came out and said they're there for me.  So, I like to think that most of them are there for me but I have no idea.  I wasn't listening.

Being a dance instructor, I'm sure you've seen a Broadway show. What's your favorite musical?


Kaitlyn Bristowe:  So, I grew up doing musical theater and I was in Bye Bye Birdie, Fiddler on the Roof and Westside Story.  And I love theater.  And I saw Phantom of the Opera in New York.  And that is my favorite musical.

Do you have a favorite show tune that you belt out when you're alone in your house or in the shower or something like that?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I mean, a lot of them. You know what else -- it's my mom that does this to me.  It's The Sound of Music.  We always [sang those songs].

Once you and Britt sort of learned about what was going to happen with the show, was there a time when you two sat down together to talk it over?  And if so, what did you guys talk about in terms of what you were going to do?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  We just had like a brief moment before we went in to see all the guys after the limo entrances.  But, you know, we didn't really talk too much about anything.  We were just kind of standing there being like, "This is crazy."

So there wasn't any sort of like, "Okay, let's try to keep it as friendly as possible?" It was more like, "We're both in this together, let's see what happens?"

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  Yes, exactly.

Was there ever a point where you talked to producers, expressing concern to them about what was going to be happening or did you just sort of put your trust in them that they were going to put you in a situation that was going to be alright?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  You know what, I'll say this a million times, I was all over the map that night.  There's times where I was questioning everything.  There's times where I don't know if I was being set up.  There's times where I felt confident.  There's times where I was excited.  It was every emotion in the book.

Would you say this is the wildest bunch of guys ever?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I don't -- well, I don't watch every season so I don't know how to answer that.


Do you like the more wild-guy type, like, a man who's especially outgoing or puts himself out there? Is that your preference?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  Yes.  I'm all about guys putting themselves out there, having a little edge.

Did you take a liking to the guys who had more shocking entrances then?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I don't know.  I like the subtle ones too.  I like to call them "silent thunder" where, you know, they come in quiet and then they impress me later.

Were you kind of expecting there to be this much drama, especially early on with the first episode?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I mean, you kind of go into it thinking, you know, it's The Bachelorette.  I'm sure something dramatic will happen.  You kind of got to brace yourself for it.

Are you happy with how it ended up?  I know you can't reveal much, but...

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I think it went the way it should.

Did being the Bachelorette with Britt have any effects on your relationship with Britt, good or bad?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  Oh, no.  No, I don't think it changed anything.  You know, we both accepted that it was awkward and pretty much have the same friendship we had in the house with Chris.

Many stars have been pulling for you, from Anna Kendrick to former The Bachelor contestants, ever since you got kicked off the show.  Did you ever just think, "This is really cool?"

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  Yes.  I mean, I still can't wrap my head around that happening or even, like, seeing a tweet from Anna Kendrick.  Because I just feel like the same person.  But, you know, when I really sit down and think about it, I'm like this is cool.  People are rooting for me and that's a good feeling.


Do you think it's harder being like an early frontrunner or do you think it's better to have like a slower relationship on the show?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  That's a good question.  No, you know, I think slow and steady wins the race.

How did you decide what to wear that first night?

Kaitlyn Bristowe:  First of all, I never thought I was a picky person when it came to dressing myself, because usually I would just throw on a backward hat and white T-shirt and jeans and go.  So, when I had racks and racks of gowns in front of me, I thought I would just, you know, pick one and go from there. 

But I spent a whole day figuring out what I was going to wear.  And I just wanted something sleek and -- I'm not overly glamorous so I didn't want it to be this big fancy gown -- and I just went from there.

Did you feel a lot of pressure about what you were going to wear because you were one of two women instead of competing in a group of women?


Kaitlyn Bristowe:  I mean, that first night, I think there's a lot of pressure with everything you do whether it be how you stand, how you do your hair, what you wear.  I think there's a lot of pressure.

To read more from Kaitlyn's pre-The Bachelorette interview, click here and here.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.