The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All, which featured The Bachelorette star Rachel Lindsay and most of the men whom she had denied roses on Season 13, was controversial, explosive and heartwarming all at the same time.


Monday night's The Men Tell All special for Rachel's season of The Bachelorette will surely go down in history, pretty much all thanks to Lee Garrett and Kenny Layne's confrontation, which resulted in a mature discussion about race and long-overdue apologies.

Lee was in the hotseat for most of the night, as all of the bachelors banded together and bombarded him with questions, criticism and complaints. Dean Unglert accused Lee of stirring the pot only with black men in the house, and The Bachelorette host Chris Harrison called Lee out for racist and sexist tweets he had posted on Twitter a couple of years ago.

Lee -- who was noticeably shaking in his seat -- didn't have a lot to say, but he admitted he has a lot more to learn and didn't act like a good friend to anyone in the house. Lee said at the time he tweeted about race, he was ignorant and lacked education on the topic.

Rachel told Lee that he squandered an opportunity to get to know some amazing men in the house and if he ever wanted a black-history lesson or some knowledge about women's rights, she'd be more than willing to teach him.


Lee and Kenny ended up talking things about and sharing a hug to seal the deal.


The Men Tell All also featured DeMario Jackson telling his side of the story about his alleged girlfriend back home, a sweet reunion for Kenny and his daughter Mackenzie, Dean confronting Rachel about why she had confessed she was "falling in love" with him only to dump him several days later, and, of course, the highly-anticipated bloopers.

Below is a list of highlights from the memorable The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All broadcast:

- DeMario called Lexi, the alleged girlfriend who called him out on the basketball group date this season in Los Angeles, a "random ass chick." While Lexi said she had text messages from DeMario as proof of their interactions, DeMario quipped, "But I text everybody." He refused to call Lexi a former girlfriend and instead dubbed her "a side chick."


- DeMario swore he didn't date Lexi for six months, arguing that there are no pictures of them together on social media, which would be weird for a dating couple.

- Chris Harrison pointed out that DeMario had called Lexi his girlfriend on tape, but DeMario denied ever saying that. DeMario insisted he was being real and "keeping it 100" with everybody.

- Josiah Graham announced that Ignacio "Iggy" Rodriguez was "the rat of all rats" on the show. Iggy, however, said Rachel respected his opinion and often asked for it, so if he did the process all over again, he wouldn't change a thing.

- Lucas "Whaboom" Yancey called Iggy "a joke" and Will Gaskins fired back at Lucas saying he had no right to call any person on the stage a joke. Iggy added that Lucas played a character this season, and many bachelors agreed Lucas went on the show for the wrong reasons.

- Kenny explained that all the bachelors agreed to playing "a gentlemen's game" this season but Lee quickly broke that rule by interrupting his time with Rachel and the situation "spiraled from there." Kenny said he had no intention to carry on drama with Lee.


- Dean said Lee made a point to "badger" certain people in the house and it took away from their The Bachelorette experience as well as Rachel's. Dean noted that Kenny was probably the most-liked guy in the house, so the fact Lee had such a problem with him pointed all signs at Lee being the issue.


- DeMario stood up for Lee, saying that when he was going through a tough time recently -- which was probably a reference to sexual misconduct allegations regarding his hookup with Corinne Olympios on Bachelor in Paradise's fourth season -- Lee was the first person to reach out and check on him. DeMario believes Lee is a nice and genuine guy.

- Kenny said Lee's behavior didn't feel like racism to him; it just felt like he was in over his head and had to stir up trouble because he felt he didn't belong. Will said Kenny was never "aggressive," that he was nothing other than "frustrated" with Lee.

- Lee -- who said he had "one thousand reasons to be anxious" on the show -- confessed that Kenny took the high road a lot and never pulled him out of a van. Kenny didn't understand why Lee was looking to "screw with dudes," and Lee said he felt guilty about being a bad friend and he could've been more considerate in so many ways.


- Kenny decided he had no "ill will" towards Lee but that Lee needed to step up and take responsibility for his actions.

- When in the hotseat, Kenny was joined by his daughter Mackenzie, who said she's proud of her dad but missed him a lot when he was away filming. Chris Harrison gifted Mackenzie and her dad a trip to Disneyland for her upcoming birthday.

- Lee explained that he is facetious and makes jokes when he's uncomfortable during inappropriate times. He said he's "absolutely" embarrassed and disappointed in himself and there are things about himself he needs to fix.


- Kenneth "Diggy" Moreland said Lee was a common enemy in the house and he only promoted his actions on social media before every episode. The guys had a hard time believing Lee was truly sorry, because as Dean pointed out, Lee never made an attempt to apologize to anyone in the months the show was airing.

- Chris Harrison revealed tweets Lee had made a couple of years back on a big screen in which the suitor had compared the NAACP to the KKK and called feminists ugly. Lee said he has a lot to learn and Kenny asked if he's only sorry because he got caught.

- Josiah asked Lee why he would go on a show to date an African American women when he clearly felt racial tension.

- Lee acknowledged that racism bothers him morally and it hurt him a lot when the tweets leaked out. Lee said the NAACP and KKK tweet was cut off and he didn't mean it as it came across. DeMario told Lee the analogy was simply "disrespectful and stupid."

- Josiah said it's hard to fathom how Lee has anything other than racist views. Lee said he didn't agree with his own tweet and apologized for hurting or offending anybody.

- After some excuses and dancing around the subject, Lee finally owned up to the racist and sexist tweets, saying he "denounces" them now and the "old Lee" who posted them was "not educated and ignorant in those subjects."

- "That tweet was racist and I denounce it," Lee insisted.


- All the men accepted Lee's statement and apology, and Kenny and Lee hugged it out. Multiple guys agreed they'd be willing to teach Lee about black history if he's willing to listen.


- When Dean sat in the hotseat, he was he was getting to the point where he could propose to Rachel and the reason he brought her home to his unconventional family was because he couldn't pop the question to a woman without showing her his real family dynamic. Dean thanked Rachel for helping him to express long-suppressed feelings.

- Dean was incredibly torn up after his breakup with Rachel, but he said he's more open now and forced himself to move on.

- When Rachel joined the group in a sexy black floral-embroidered dress, she admitted it was really, really hard to let Dean go. Dean had a chance to talk to Rachel to receive some closure, and he said he was confused why she would express love to him only to send him packing a few days later. Dean believed her profession served as consolation or comfort, which only made their split harder for him.

- "I did love you," Rachel replied. "I was falling in love with you. That was real."

- Rachel said race didn't play a role in her journey and it was enlightening to watch The Bachelorette footage back. She was disappointed in Kenny for not treating Lee like background noise and focusing on her.

- As a spokesperson for African Americans, Rachel told Lee that he missed out on an opportunity to get to know great men from different backgrounds and cultures. Lee apologized to the Bachelorette for interfering with her journey, and she said she'd give him a black history lesson and one on women's rights backstage if he wants it.

- Rachel said it was unfortunate America didn't get to see more of her relationships with Adam Gottschalk and Matt Munson. She wished she had more time with them.


- Fred Johnson vented about how Rachel didn't really give him a fair chance. He said that while other men had to develop feelings for her, he already had them. Fred thought that since Rachel knew him, she'd have a certain comfort level with him, and he was disappointed to learn that wasn't the case. However, he said he admires Rachel and the woman she has become.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.