The Bachelorette star Clare Crawley frustrated the men with her focus on her "fiance" Dale Moss and eliminated Yosef Aborady after a heated confrontation as well as Blake Monar, Garin Flowers, Tyler Smith, and Zach Jackson during Tuesday night's Season 16 episode on ABC.
Clare eliminated Blake Monar, is a 31-year-old male grooming specialist from Phoenix, AZ; Garin Flowers, a 34-year-old professor of journalism from North Hollywood, CA; and Tyler Smith is a 36-year-old music manager from Georgetown, TX, during the season's second Rose Ceremony.
And finally, Zach Jackson, a 37-year-old cleaning service owner from St. George, UT, was denied a rose during his one-on-one date with Clare after he made her feel "uncomfortable."
The Bachelorette broadcast began with a group of men discussing at the second cocktail party how Clare looked beautiful and they loved how she spoke her mind and checked them when they needed to be put in their place.
There was a sense of anxiety because everyone wanted to talk to Clare.
Yosef said Clare was supposed to be the oldest and most mature Bachelorette, but she threw red flags on the two group dates, including when she asked guys to strip after a dodgeball game.
"That's just raunchy humor and it's just completely unacceptable and completely classless," Yosef complained.
Yosef said he would not have participated in the dodgeball date had Clare invited him on it.
"This is showing me traits of her character as well as her maturity level. I'm sorry, that's just something I myself would never do. We all have a line that can't be crossed, and that's my personal boundary," Yosef explained.
Yosef told a group of guys he used to bottle things up and no longer wanted to hide his feelings anymore.

"I'm not going to back down for everyone, including the Bachelorette," Yosef told the cameras, adding that he wanted to wash his hands of "this atrocity."
Yosef therefore interrupted Clare's time with Jordan Chapman, a 26-year-old software account executive from New York City, NY, and told Clare he wanted to be open and honest with her.
Yosef asked Clare to hear him out before reacting and then shared his concerns about Clare telling the men that they were all on the show for her and needed to act like it.
Yosef said Clare was there for the guys as well and he had sacrificed time with his daughter to meet and get to know her. Clare said she totally understood and agreed, but Yosef interjected and said he wasn't finishing talking yet.
"I found it really disrespectful... It's been really eating me up. The second thing is, I was absolutely appalled at the group date [with] naked guys playing dodgeball together," Yosef griped.
"It's so humiliating and so degrading, and I don't see how that really translates into finding a husband... It seemed very silly and very immature."
Yosef said he'd "never be caught dead" doing that with his daughter and family watching, and Clare noted that's why she never invited him on the date to begin with.
"I was appalled. It was such a classless display. I excepted more from the oldest Bachelorette that's ever been, and I can't believe -- I can't believe that actually occurred," Yosef said.
Yosef told Clare to think about the bad example she set by asking men to strip on a date.
"You're not setting the right example for my daughter," Yosef complained.
"I'm ashamed to even be associated with you. I can't believe I sacrificed so much to be here just to watch this tasteless and classless display. I am just so appalled. Going back to our first date, I feel like you really overreacted and honestly it sounded a little crazy."
Clare didn't understand Yosef's point because she had told the men to fight for her and not just "bro out" with each other.
Clare insisted she was looking for a husband and for someone to love her, and then Yosef tried to interrupt Clare as she continued trying to talk over him to finish her statement.
"I listened to you this entire time," Clare began, wanting to speak her piece.
"No, no, no. Stop," Yosef interrupted.
Clare said she had listened to Yosef for 20 minutes and then he came back at her with, "Well I'm not done yet."
"You know what?! You are done!" Clare sternly said as she pointed her finger at the bachelor.
Clare scolded Yosef for the way he was talking to her, and she yelled, "Never in a million years did I think I would have to utter these words again: do not ever talk to me like that."
She continued, "I never thought I would have to tell another man that I'd never want them to be the father of my child, and I stand by that. I would never want my children having a father like you! Get out of here."
"Clare! Hey! Believe it, you're not fit to be the mother to my child," Yosef yelled back at her.
On his way out, Yosef shouted at Clare, "I expected way more from the oldest Bachelorette... Hey, she's all yours, boys!"
A few guys shouted at Yosef that he was disrespectful and way out of line.
Clare said a man should never talk to a woman like that regardless of what she's done, and she said she had done nothing to Yosef. Clare told the cameras she's 39 and single as the Bachelorette because she never "settled for men like that!"
Dale, a 32-year-old model and former college basketball and football player from Brandon, SD, then came to the rescue and Clare cried in his arms. Dale told Clare not to let Yosef bother her and that's exactly what she doesn't want in a man and she didn't deserve that.
Dale said Yosef was lying and all the men liked her and wanted to get to know her. Dale said he was there to please and not "appease" Clare, which was another nasty comment Yosef had made during their heated exchange.
Clare was so happy she didn't have to go through this situation alone, and she said Dale was everything she was looking for and everything she wanted.
"He shows up. He has it and he has the way. It's not even the second Rose Ceremony yet, but I am so falling in love with Dale," Clare confessed to the cameras.
Clare admitted to The Bachelorette host Chris Harrison she might have already found the man of her dreams who would stand by her and protect her, and Chris didn't seem surprised Clare was so smitten with Dale.
Clare then met with her remaining men and said she needed to cancel the rest of the cocktail party. The guys were disappointed Yosef's actions resulted in them losing time with Clare.
Bennett Jordan, a 36-year-old wealth management consultant from New York City, NY, especially said he had something sweet planned for Clare that got ruined.
Clare handed out roses to Dale; Jordan; Zach J.; Zac Clark, a 36-year-old addiction specialist from Haddonfield, NJ; Demar Jackson, a 26-year-old spin cycling instructor from Scottsdale, AZ; Brendan Morais, a 30-year-old commercial roofer from Milford, MA; Joe Park, a 36-year-old anesthesiologist from New York City, NY; and Jay Smith, a 30-year-old fitness director from Fort Lauderdale, FL.
The following men also received roses: Bennett; Uzoma "Eazy" Nwachukwu, a 29-year-old sports marketing agent from Newport Beach, CA; Ben Smith, a 29-year-old Army Ranger veteran from Venice, CA; Ed Waisbrot is a 36-year-old from Pittsburgh, PA; Ivan Hall, a 28-year-old aeronautical engineer from Dallas, TX; and Kenny Braasch, a 39-year-old boyband manager from Chicago, IL.
The next day, Dale, who has four sisters, said he was already feeling protective of Clare and thought she had carried herself with nothing but class and elegance since the beginning.
Jason, Jay, Eazy, Chasen, Blake Moynes, Ed, Riley and Dale then learned they'd be accompanying Clare on a group date.
Clare said she couldn't stop thinking about Dale and then former The Bachelorette star DeAnna Pappas visited with Clare to chat about her journey to find love.
Clare told DeAnna that Dale checked boxes for her that she didn't even know she had and she felt "electricity" in his presence. Clare was even sleeping with Dale's suit pants that he had given her to keep.
"Have you wavered at all?" DeAnna asked Clare.
"No," Clare replied.
DeAnna said she believes in the saying "when you know, you know," because she had experienced that with her husband. Clare agreed she was feeling something special, a feeling she had never felt before.
"Oh my gosh, this might be the shortest season ever," Clare admitted.
When Clare finally showed up, she explained the day-date had been canceled and she decided to extend the afterparty that night so she could have quality conversations with the group of men.
"Honestly, I prefer this. I don't want to sound arrogant or overly-confident, but when I get quality time with her, it's a wrap," Dale bragged.
At the start of the date, Dale addressed the group and asked for at least five minutes with Clare to talk about the events of the previous night, when Yosef had confronted Clare and hurt her feelings.
Dale told the men that he didn't want to disrespect anyone and intended to be fair, but Dale and Clare ended up escaping from the party for 40 minutes to an hour!
Clare welcomed Dale to her room, and Dale promised Clare that he'd continue to be there for her and he was proud of her. Their conversation then turned into a steamy makeout session on Clare's bed.
"Why are you so perfect?" Clare asked. "I feel like you're so perfect!"
As the pair kissed with Dale on top of Clare, she noted, "This is so hard," seemingly because she wanted to take their physical relationship to the next level.
The couple took so long that Eazy began looking for Clare, and he finally found her with Dale in her suite. Dale joked that he should hide in the closet, and Clare was all giggles.
When Eazy entered the room, the vibe was awkward and Dale and Clare just laughed.
Dale returned to the group of men smiling, and Riley said no one appreciated how he behaved after delivering his little speech about respect and not dominating Clare's time. Jay added that Dale had wasted a lot of guys' time and totally changed the vibe of the night.
Since time was running out, the guys became a bit aggressive for time with Clare. Riley, for instance, interrupted Ed, and then Blake M. interrupted Riley.
After Dale stole another kiss from Clare, he told the men he was "dazed and confused" and initially intended to go to the bathroom, which was when he allegedly just bumped into Clare.
Riley called Dale "a politician," and Eazy added, "It would be better if you just own it. Just own it!... Dale, just say that you wanted to speak to Clare more. Don't say that you just stumbled upon her."
Dale insisted he had no idea Clare was talking to Jay when he approached them.
Chasen said it was "disrespectful" Clare appeared to have her eyes set on just one person. The group could tell Clare was "leaning towards" Dale, and they weren't happy.
At the end of the night, Clare gave the group-date rose to Dale for stepping up and being "bold" in his pursuit of her.
Eazy felt "cast to the side for no reason" and he could tell the men's spirits were deflated and no one really knew where they stood with Clare.
In attempt to explain himself after the date, Dale told the rest of the cast, "I was the best one suited -- maybe 'suited' isn't the right word -- but to be there for her... based on our connection."
Jason Foster, a 31-year-old former pro football lineman from Arlington, VA, was particularly upset by what Dale had said.
"The fact that he thinks he's better than all of us, f-ck you! Don't tell us that you're a band of brothers and we're all going to be respectful and then you go into a room and get lost... He's not better than all of us!" Jason said in a confessional.
"And I don't get like this! I'm not an emotional person; I do not get mad!"
The next day, Clare picked Zach J. up for his date and she immediately noticed how "hot" Dale looked in his hat.
"I'm not gonna lie -- I was ready to game on in the bedroom with Dale last night. It was hard to hold back," Clare said.
Clare, however, insisted she was present for her date with Zach J. and looked forward to getting to know him better. Zach J. was also ecstatic to spend time with Clare and was nearly jumping out of his skin.
For their date, Clare and Zach J. enjoyed a pedicure and a spa day.
Zach J. giggled when his feet were touched and he admitted to being out of his comfort zone with Clare, who noticed the bachelor's excited energy had turned into "nervous energy."
"It just stresses me out. In moments like this, I wish Dale was here," Clare said in a confessional.
Clare almost felt weird dating Zach J. because Dale was in her life, and she just wished she could see Dale. However, Clare wanted to give Zach J. a fair chance.
While in the pool, Clare leaned in for a kiss with Zach J., but their lips never met. Clare then immediately got turned off and told Zach J. to get ready for dinner.
"How come you stopped?" Zach J. asked, trying to gently pull Clare's face towards his.
Clare walked away from Zach J. but he followed her and assured her that he wanted to kiss her. Zach J. didn't understand what happened and noted there had been "a huge mix-up." Zach J. said he never intended to hurt Clare and it was "the worst possible thing."
"I didn't want to be there in that moment. If I want to walk away because I'm uncomfortable, let me walk away. I might be a little extra sensitive about it because I have done all the work these last few years on healing my traumas... but I don't even want to talk about it."
Meanwhile, Chasen suggested to the guys Clare and Dale might have been in contact prior to arriving at The Bachelorette resort in Palm Springs, CA. The guys wondered if Clare had established a relationship prior to the start of filming.
Zach J. later sat down at dinner, but Clare never showed up! Instead Chris Harrison walked up to Zach J. and informed him that Clare wasn't coming and so he had been eliminated from The Bachelorette.
Zach J. was extremely upset, knowing the little kissing incident -- which was totally unintentional -- had sealed his fate on the show.
When the cast of guys watched Zach J.'s suitcase being taken away, they noted how everyone was racing to catch up to Clare's connection with Dale. Easy even said, "What are we all doing here?"
The next day, Clare embarked on another group date with Zac C., Ivan, Kenny, Ben, Joe, Brendan, Bennett, and Jordan C.
Comedian Margaret Cho made a special guest appearance to help the men prepare for a roast. The guys were given permission to roast anyone -- from Clare to the season's suitors -- and they performed in front of the entire cast of guys.
The group on the date was upset Dale was going to be able to make an appearance on the date since he had been soaking up most of Clare's time and energy.
The roast started out fun, with Clare saying Ben killed it with his funny but not offensive jokes. However, the men's witty attacks took a turn and seemed to focus solely on Dale.
"What's one thing y'all don't know about Dale? Nothing because he doesn't shut up!" Jordan said.
Riley hoped the date would inspire Clare to ask Dale more questions about who she truly is, and Clare noticed the men were pretty hostile and had taken some serious digs at Dale.
"If some of these guys are picking up on Dale and I's relationship and the connection we have, guess what? It's because I like him, that's why. And that's what I'm here for. That's the whole point," Clare told the cameras.
Clare didn't think the jokes were funny and welcomed all the hate, saying, "You can't hate on love! You can't hate!"
At the afterparty, Clare talked to each man about his jokes about Dale, but the men were desperate to focus on their own relationships and connections with Clare.
Clare asked Bennett, for example, about Dale allegedly thinking he was the frontrunner, and she also asked why Ben joked about Dale and Clare eventually getting married.
Zac C. accused Clare of having "tunnel vision," and the guys agreed Clare wasn't invested in any of their conversations.
"It literally feels like right now, she's only interested in Dale in this whole house to the point where I feel like I'm wasting my time in being here," Kenny told the guys.
"It feels like they're already dating and we're just f-cking around here. That's how I feel."
That night, Clare decided not to hand out the group-date rose, saying she didn't get what she needed from the men in their conversations.
The men agreed someone deserved that rose, and Brendan said it seemed like Clare was "perturbed" they had "made fun of her man."
Clare couldn't believe the guys were making fun of her connection with Dale, and she said it wasn't okay.
Clare therefore gave herself a rose for being bold, saying how she felt, speaking her truth, and showing up. Clare said she felt confident in her romance with Dale and was definitely on the right path.
The rest of Clare's men didn't feel like Clare was interested in anyone other than Dale.
"She doesn't really care about anyone else or is giving anyone else a fair [shot] besides Dale. This process is supposed to be for Clare to find a husband. Well, if she already found it, then what are we doing?" Kenny vented.
"She's obviously not giving anyone else a chance anyway. If you want to be with Dale, go be with him now and we'll all go home. If you've already got a boyfriend, what the f-ck am I doing here?"
Kenny added, "If you really want [Dale], if you want to get crazy, then let's get f-cking crazy. How about the rest of us walk out?"
For spoilers about Tayshia's portion of The Bachelorette season, click here.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski