The Bachelorette featured Jenn Tran dumping Sam McKinney, Grant Ellis and Spencer Conley after Sam professed his love to Jenn to seemingly quell her questions about why she's the right girl for him during the Season 21 episode that aired Monday night on ABC.

Jenn eliminated Sam M., a 27-year-old contractor from Myrtle Beach, SC, before the sixth Rose Ceremony of the season because he couldn't express why exactly he loved her and could envision her being his future wife.


Jenn then ousted Grant, a 30-year-old day trader from Houston, TX, and Spencer, a 30-year-old pet portrait entrepreneur from Dallas, TX, at the Rose Ceremony.

Jenn determined her Final 4 bachelors as a result, and they are Devin Strader, a 28-year-old freight company owner from Houston, TX; Jeremy Simon, a 29-year-old real estate investor from New York, NY; Jonathon Johnson, a 27-year-old creative director from Los Angeles, CA; and Marcus Shoberg, a 31-year-old Army Ranger veteran from Raleigh, NC.

The Bachelorette broadcast began with Jenn and her remaining seven bachelors returning to the United States and touching down in Seattle, WA, which is known as "The Emerald City."

Jenn anticipated making "the hardest decisions" of her journey yet, and she knew her breakups this week were going to be especially difficult given hometown dates were right around the corner.

Joey Graziadei had ousted Jenn at this stage in the process on The Bachelor's 28th season, and so she said she knew how it was going to feel for her eliminees.

Before starting her week of dates, Jenn met up with Season 20 The Bachelorette star Charity Lawson for coffee.

Jenn explained how Sam was "holding back a little bit" and reminded her of her exes because they had a strong physical connection but had more to explore emotionally.

Jenn said Marcus was holding back as well, whereas Jeremy made her laugh nonstop but they had to dig deeper into their relationship.

Jenn, however, said she could definitely see herself getting engaged at the end of The Bachelorette process.

Meanwhile, Sam shared with the guys how he was excited to bring Jenn home to meet his family, automatically assuming he was going to receive a rose in Seattle.

"He's a cocky guy. I've always known there's just something different about him, and I know that he's just not right for Jenn," Devin told The Bachelorette cameras. "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I have my own opinion."

A Date Card then arrived for Marcus, who would be accompanying Jenn on a one-on-one date.

Marcus was scared of opening up for the possibility of finding love, but he said he was willing to be vulnerable for Jenn.

Marcus was gifted a green bomber jacket to wear, and he and Jenn had a date inspired by the musical and upcoming movie, Wicked.


Jenn and Marcus followed a yellow-brick road, and The Bachelor 28 winner and runner-up, Kelsey Anderson and Daisy Kent, respectively, greeted the couple.

As Jenn and Marcus walked down the path, they were given fun and playful tasks and surprises along the way. The couple ate hot peppers, had a pillow fight, and screamed their feelings for each other out loud.

Jenn felt like she was exploring the city with her boyfriend, sharing how things felt natural with Marcus. But Jenn said it "freaked" her out that Marcus was a bit of a slow burn in relationships.

At one point, Charity instructed the couple to pop big balloons together. Inside one of the balloons was a photograph of Marcus' sister Gabriella, and Marcus shared how they're very close and talk every single day.

"If you go to my hometown, you'll meet her," Marcus told Jenn of his sibling. "She's the most important person in my life."

Marcus told The Bachelorette cameras that he didn't come from a perfect family and he had a difficult upbringing. He apparently had a big story to share with Jenn, who also received a heartfelt letter from her beloved mother during the date.

At the end of the yellow-brick road, The Bachelorette alum Trista Rehn awaited the couple and escorted them into a hot air balloon. The couple, who comforted each other during emotional moments that day, floated in the clouds and kissed.

Meanwhile, Spencer, Grant, Devin and Jonathon learned they'd be going on the group date with Jenn. Jeremy was excited to finally get a one-on-one date with Jenn.

As night fell, Jenn and Marcus enjoyed a romantic dinner on the field of T-Mobile Park where the Seattle Mariners play.

Jenn gave Marcus a safe space to open up, and so Marcus decided to tell Jenn the story of his childhood, which Marcus apparently hadn't even shared with some of his closest friends.

"My sister, when we were kids, we were kind of born into a pretty rough situation. We had parents who couldn't really take care of us. They were a bit unstable, and they weren't fit to be parents. They brought us to daycare one day and just never came back for us," Marcus explained in tears.

That was the start of a very rough chapter in his childhood, according to Marcus.

"I had to take on the role of looking after my sister. We lived in a foster home together," Marcus continued.

"Families would try us on for size, and there were times when I thought I was going to have a mom and dad -- but then they'd change their mind and my sister and I would end up back in a foster home."

Marcus admitted that experience made him feel like something was wrong with him, but Jenn assured him that wasn't the case. Jenn called his history "heartbreaking," and she finally understood why Marcus had gone through the process with a guard up.

Marcus told Jenn that he wanted to find a love who will stay when everyone else may leave.

Discovering where Marcus had come from made Jenn understand Marcus so much better, and she realized in that moment that they had a lot in common and viewed love in the same way. Jenn let Marcus know that he was lovable, and Marcus felt great about being accepted for who he is.

"This is the love story I always wanted as a kid, and this is the love story I'm worthy of -- and it's happening!" Jenn gushed. "I feel like I am living in a dream."


The next day, Jenn's group date took place on the radio show, "Love On-Air Seattle," and the broadcast featured The Bachelor alum Jason Mesnick and his wife Molly Malaney.

The date was all about communication and listening to each other, but Jenn admitted to the radio hosts that she couldn't help but fall into Sam's arms and snuggle with the "hot" bachelor.

"But there are red flags too. I just want to feel more secure in our relationship, and I just don't. There is something missing there, and I want to pull that out today," Jenn explained to The Bachelorette cameras.

Devin, Sam, Jonathon and Spencer took turns complimenting and gushing about Jenn, but Sam appeared to ramble on about wanting a "ferocious" love.

Devin told The Bachelorette cameras that while Sam talked a lot, he wasn't saying much. Jonathon agreed that Sam went on and on about the process and wanting to find love without really talking about his connection with Jenn or answering any of her questions directly.

And Jenn felt the same way. Jenn questioned if Sam's answers were "authentic" or if he was just telling her what she wanted to hear.

Jenn therefore had a conversation alone with Sam on the radio to get to the bottom of things, and the other guys were able to watch the pair's chat from another room.

When asked to share his first impression of her, Sam admitted to Jenn, "When I got out of the limo, I was like, 'This girl is not my type.' I thought the Bachelorette was going to be Daisy or [Maria Georgas].'"

Sam elaborated, "Obviously you're stunning, but I know that that fades. I know that I trust the process... My dream is to be a father and a husband. My parents have been together for 30-plus years."

While they both wanted a ferocious love, Jenn asked Sam for details on why he wanted to be with her specifically. Sam called her "selfless" in his answer, which prompted Jenn to ask the bachelor how exactly he knew that.

Sam told Jenn that she was either "selfless or full of sh-t," which made the other bachelors laugh in the other room. Both Devin and Spencer insisted they would've been able to come up with multiple examples of how Jenn had been selfless in this process.

"This is how I know you're selfless, actually. After Night 1, that connection that we had was hot," Sam said, adding, "I feel like you kept me in a closet."

Devin admitted he was "so confused" by that response and it didn't seem like Sam even knew the definition of "selfless."

Jenn disliked Sam's "vague" answers during the radio show, and she acknowledged how she was "frustrated" by him. The Bachelorette star said she needed to feel reassured and secure by her bachelors at this point in the process, yet Sam wasn't giving her any of that.

"Do you feel like you really know me?" Jenn asked Sam on the topic of potentially getting engaged.

"Honestly, I told you from early that my love language is physical touch. It's like this..." Sam said, before grabbing Jenn's face and making out with her in the studio.

Jenn wanted to know why Sam saw her as his future wife, and she told the "cowboy" to "calm down."

At the afterparty that night, Grant told Jenn that he could see himself being with her for the rest of his life. Grant said he cherished Jenn and held her close to his heart, and he went on to share, "I am falling in love with you, and I mean it when I say that."

"I know you do," Jenn replied.

Jenn could tell that Grant's declaration of love was coming from a real place.

Jonathon also told Jenn that he cared for her deeply, and Jenn liked how the bachelor challenged her. Jenn also furthered her connections with Spencer and Devin.

"I feel so strongly about you and have no doubts about who you are and how you made me feel. I have only ever told my mom that I only want to bring a girl home who makes me proud, and who makes her proud, and you are the definition of those things," Devin told The Bachelorette.

"I feel so seen by you," Jenn replied.

"I feel like you are somebody who gets me," she continued to tell Devin, adding, "You've expressed before how you're falling in love with me, and I want to let you know that, today, I'm feeling all of the same things and I'm falling for you as well!"

But Jenn didn't think that Sam could back up his feelings for her, and so The Bachelorette star confronted him and asked for proof that he truly saw her and understood her.

Jenn shared with Sam how something was missing between them and so she needed clarity, and Sam explained how he lacked emotional support in his prior relationships.

"How do I know it's you? I don't. I do trust that I'm here for a reason," Sam said.

"That's you and your journey and wanting to be here, but how do I fit into that?" Jenn asked.

"It's a tough feeling... It's just something that I feel," Sam responded.

"But why me?" Jess asked. "I want to understand where you're coming from and why."

Sam hesitated and rubbed his hands over his face before sharing, "I've been trying to wait on this... [It's] because I love you. You want to know 'why,' and there have been things I've been waiting to say. I was scared to say it, but this is it!"

Jenn didn't know where this news was coming from, especially since Sam couldn't "back up such a bold proclamation." Jenn didn't feel like Sam's love profession was "real" to her since he couldn't really express who she is and what he loved about her.

Jenn explained to The Bachelorette cameras after another confusing conversation with Sam, "We're having conversations about 'ferocious love,' but there is no substance there. There is no logic there."

The next day, Jenn tried to focus on her date with Jeremy, with whom she felt the "most behind" in terms of their feelings for one another.

The pair had a blast at Pike Place Market in Seattle, where Jeremy made her a beautiful bouquet of flowers and they tasted food, had their palms read, and played a game of catch with a fish.

Jeremy said he felt pressure, knowing Jenn's relationships with the other guys were further along, but he remained positive and optimistic.

Jeremy shared how things felt natural with Jenn and they had chemistry, and Jenn pointed out how they had the "same exact" sense of humor as well as an "effortless" connection. Jenn felt she could totally be herself with Jeremy.

At dinner that night, Jeremy explained to Jenn how she made him feel comfortable and they could smile and laugh together. He told Jenn that she seemed to be as caring as his mother, who is the nicest person he knew.

Jeremy, who had brought two Catholic ex-girlfriends home before, opened up about how he'd like to raise his children with a Jewish identity focused around his family traditions and the Jewish culture.

Jeremy told Jenn that he'd never expect her to convert and would love to blend their religions and customs given Jenn is Buddhist. Jenn completely agreed with that outlook on the future.

"I think the idea of Jewish-Buddhist kids sounds fun!" Jeremy quipped.

Jenn decided to give Jeremy a rose because they aligned on a lot of important topics and goals for marriage, and they sealed the deal with a kiss. Jenn revealed that she was excited to meet Jeremy's Jewish mother and she had seen a new side of the bachelor.

"What we have is exactly what I've been looking for," Jenn gushed of her connection with Jeremy.

It then became time for the Rose Ceremony, and Jenn only had two hometown roses to hand out.

But first, Jenn said she needed to deal with Sam and find out whether their Night 1 spark could potentially last a lifetime.

Jenn, all dressed up for the Rose Ceremony, approached Sam and discovered that he had really meant to say, "I love you," to her.

Sam explained how love was about sacrifice, selflessness and validation, and he told Jenn that she was the only woman whom he saw. But Jenn didn't think Sam words sounded genuine, and she was struggling to believe him.

Sam confessed that putting his feelings into words was hard for him because he didn't want to downplay what he was actually feeling in his heart.

"We're right there to getting to hometowns, where everything I'm trying to say will be so f-cking evident in the way that I interact with my family and friends," Sam told The Bachelorette star.

Jenn told The Bachelorette cameras that while he loved his friends and family, that didn't necessarily mean that he loved her. Jenn felt such a strong connection with Sam, but she didn't think he was seeing her.

"What do you see in me?" Jenn asked the bachelor.

"Your passion for love, your desire for wanting a family, and all of these things that resonate with me. But the fact of the matter is, there are other people out there with the same characteristics as you. I've had those people in front of me... You're waiting for these answers with words. But here is my story: I stepped out of the limo and your energy soothed my nerves," Sam explained.

"That's just energy. I don't think that's an emotional connection," Jenn replied.

Sam added how he liked how Jenn was looking for a "ferocious love," but she said she wasn't looking for a script.

Sam therefore told Jenn that when he loves someone, he can't imagine a day without that person. Sam said Jenn had poured into his emotional part.

"He's dismissing me and he's not listening and he's not asking," Jenn complained to The Bachelorette cameras. "I'm not seeing the love! What does [pour into his emotional part] even mean?"

Jenn asked Sam what he had learned about her on their one-on-one date.

Sam paused and replied, "First, you have no idea how much I appreciate you, and now I see it. I love you."

"But to love someone, you have to really understand them," Jenn explained.

Jenn told The Bachelorette cameras that she could be any woman in that moment and it wouldn't have mattered to Sam.

"You saw the best in me when I didn't even see it," Sam said.

Jenn excused herself from the room and said she needed a minute because Sam was confusing her with his vague words. She felt annoyed, frustrated and ignored.

"He hasn't even asked how I'm feeling or where my head is at," Jenn complained to The Bachelorette cameras.

Jenn then reunited with Sam and broke up with him.

Jenn said while she really wanted it to work out for them, he never even asked her what she needed from him.

"If you tell someone you love them, you should be able to say 100 things you love about them or even like about them, things that you want to see in them and want to know about them," Jenn said.

"This whole journey for me..." Sam began.

"For you! Again!" Jenn responded.

Jenn told Sam that he didn't see or hear her, but Sam claimed that Jenn hadn't heard a word he said.

"I heard them, but I don't think there was any weight to them. You telling me that you love me? But you don't know me and understand me. I know what I deserve and I know the love that I deserve," Jenn explained to the bachelor.

"The way this is reminds me so much of a relationship I've put in the past. I've been through this so many times -- teaching people what love means and teaching people how to prioritize me. I've closed this chapter in my life already. I am done. I am done with it!"

Jenn therefore gave Sam a cold hug goodbye, and he began packing his suitcase to leave.

Sam found the exchange "frustrating," adding, "The energy that she brought was very dull. It's not my fault... At the end of the day, it is what it is. I will always keep the main thing, the main thing -- and that's finding my person... I love and want to spend the rest of my life with."

Jenn told the cameras that while she doesn't know exactly what love is, love isn't what she had been experiencing with Sam. Jenn admitted she was "so mad" that she had gotten it "wrong" with Sam, whom she had felt closest to at the beginning of this process.

Jenn explained how her connection with Sam was mainly physical and letting him go was a huge turning point for her in this journey.

"I understand what I want, and what I want is not Sam," Jenn concluded.

The sixth Rose Ceremony of the season then commenced, and Jenn followed her heart and handed out roses to Devin and Jonathon. Jenn therefore ousted Grant and Spencer.

"I feel empty right now. Jenn is a great woman and I expressed my love for her. I poured everything out and it wasn't good enough," Grant lamented in his final words, fighting back tears.

"It just sucks knowing that you feel some way about somebody, and they don't feel the same about you."

Grant seemed to sincerely want to find a partner on Jenn's season of The Bachelorette.

"I want a family, you know? I want to be happy. I want a wife. I want to be in love," Grant shared with The Bachelorette cameras.

"I want that, you know? I want to give everything to somebody, and I want them to give everything to me in return. I don't know what else to say. I did not think that was going to happen tonight."

Spencer was then shown breaking down into tears over his elimination.

"I've seen the path towards an engagement, and losing that stings. It's just, like, every time, it doesn't work out! I don't know what to do!" Spencer complained.

The episode ended with Spencer crying to his mother about having been denied a rose.

"Oh, baby, are you okay?" Spencer's mom asked.

"I couldn't be happier for someone that she's finding her person, but I wish it were me," Spencer confessed in tears. "I just want my person."


Click here to read episode-by-episode spoilers about how Jenn's The Bachelorette season unfolds, including who Jenn picks as her winner and runner-up.

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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.