The Bachelorette's tenth season starring Andi Dorfman will debut Monday, May 19 at 9:30PM ET/PT on ABC.
Andi, a 27-year-old assistant district attorney from Atlanta, GA, will begin her quest to potentially find love with one of 25 eligible suitors. After Andi rejected The Bachelor's eighteenth-season star, Juan Pablo Galavis, she's truly ready to find a genuine "great love."
What kind of guys have you dated in the past? And have you been more of a long-term relationship girl or maybe you were just dating around?
Andi Dorfman: I've definitely been more of a long-term relationship girl. I dated guys in the past that have great values, great manners, great, you know, levels of respect for me. I've always dated kind individuals and we were close with their family and really had a very good experience. I've been lucky with the great the guys that I've dated in the past.
So we only get to see the dates and the romance, but how did you stay grounded throughout the whole experience? Was there anything that you did day-to-day in order to stay true to yourself and not get too overwhelmed by the experience?
Andi Dorfman: I definitely worked out as much as I could. You know, it's go, go, all the time. So sometimes I just needed that little workout session to clear my mind and just really not think of anything. I put some music on, and that was kind of like my moments of solitude.
How does being a gang prosecutor help you keep these men in line?
Andi Dorfman: Definitely you had to ask them some questions. I'd say I just kind of dig a little deeper, where I knew there was something behind what they were saying. You know, I definitely try to keep them in line. They were a fun, rowdy group, but they were a great group of guys and not so hard to keep in line.
A lot of Bachelorettes end up changing their careers after the show. Do you plan on making any changes or do you plan on going back to being a lawyer, a prosecutor?
Andi Dorfman: You know, I worked really hard to get my law degree. I love my job, I'm really grateful that they held my position for me. So no, you know, I love my job, I love what I'm doing for right now.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Andi Dorfman: You know, I think I do believe in love at first sight. I obviously have never had that before, but I'm open, I believe in it. You know, it's a romantic idea. I think it's a great idea and who knows?
How did your unique experience on The Bachelor shape how you approached everything on The Bachelorette?

Andi Dorfman: I think my experience last season definitely taught me that this can be a quick process, but you can also use that time to your advantage and really get to know people by just talking to them, listening to them, asking them questions, you know?
I said from the very first night to the guys, "I will be an open book for you. I don't know how this is going to play out, but I promise you that you can ask my any question. Nothing is off limits, nobody is going to be judged." And for me, that was the biggest thing, just allowing every one of the guys to feel like they had an open line of communication. And I think that really helped us along the way.
Going into the season, did you have any dealbreakers?
Andi Dorfman: I'll tell you that I was pretty open. I will say a dealbreaker for me is probably someone that just absolutely doesn't want to have a family. To me, that's one of my ultimate goals in life, and I think that would probably be a dealbreaker for me.
How important is intellectual compatibility to you as opposed to just physical chemistry?
Andi Dorfman: I am definitely looking for intellectual chemistry. I want that physical chemistry, that mental connection, that intellectual connection, absolutely. I think that's part of the whole package. That's what I'm looking for hopefully in a future husband.
Above is the concluding portion of Andi's interview. Check our The Bachelorette 10 page for more from her conference call.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski