The Voice eliminated Korin Bukowski and determined the ninth season's Top 9 artists during last week's broadcast on NBC.


The Voice host Carson Daly revealed the results of the home viewer votes cast following the Top 10 performance show, and Korin from Gwen Stefani's team was in the bottom two with fellow "Team Gwen" member Braiden Sunshine.

Both individuals were afforded the chance to sing again, which marked Korin's third time performing for the Twitter Save. Korin sang "Try," but home viewers ultimately decided to keep Braiden in the competition.

Korin talked to Reality TV World during a recent press conference call. To read what she had to say, click here. Below is another portion of her interview. Check back with us soon for more.

When you were up on the stage in jeopardy again, it seemed like you were going through your head like, "No, not again." How did you feel, like having to be up there a third time battling against someone for survival?


Korin Bukowski: Well, it eats at your soul a little bit every time you have to be up there. But yes, I was upset. I was just like "not again" kind of feeling. But, you know, you just pull through as best as you possibly can.

When you finally got the results, was it more so like, "I knew it was going to happen?" Did you know? Did you have a feeling? Or did you just push through it and hope for the best?

Korin Bukowski: I mean, I had a feeling about the results because of the way my performance went out. I was just too emotional. I got my -- my emotions just took too much of a handle on me and my performance, and I had a feeling. But I'm very happy for my friend and fellow teammate, Braiden.

But you know honestly, sometimes you never know how the results are going to pan out because I didn't think the past two times I would get saved. So, I was still holding onto that.

I loved your performance of "Same Old Love," as many of us did. How did Selena Gomez help you in the process along with you coach, Gwen?


Korin Bukowski: Well I got to meet Selena Gomez at the "Battle Round" and she was an absolute delight. And she was so nice and just made sure to let us know to be ourselves onstage and to emote well with the song that I was given. I was given "Samson" at battle. That's a very emotional song.

And she just tried to tell us to make sure that we were honest onstage and were comfortable with ourselves and the stage. And she helped us a lot with that. And Gwen yes, same thing. She's always been telling me, "I want that awkward, quirky girl to be onstage. I want that."

And then one time I was like serious or something and she goes, "I don't like you like that. I don't like you serious." And I was laughing because I don't like when I'm serious, too. I can't take myself seriously. But she's also helped me, you know, just embrace the person that I am and it's ok to be who you are and it doesn't matter what people say about you.

What would you say your favorite performance throughout The Voice was?

Korin Bukowski: My favorite was actually my "Knockout." I really loved that song and I loved performing it and it was the most fun I've had on the show in total.


What are your plans for the future in terms of your career?

Korin Bukowski: I don't know. I'm just like, I'm trying to give myself like a day. But we all think about the future at some point, even before our elimination. And I don't know. I'm definitely trying to keep on the radar.

I'm going to stay very active on social media -- my Instagram, my Twitter account, on Facebook. But, you know, I'd love to write music. I'd love to get some music out there that I've been working on. And I don't know, just try and pursue that passion that I started this competition with.

Knowing that song would've gotten you so emotional last night, would you still have chosen to do it, or would you have done something a little different?

Korin Bukowski: I think I wouldn't take back anything that happened last night because I entered this competition an awkward, confused, quirky person. And I feel like throughout the competition, I lost a little bit of myself and I lost my magical quality. And I feel like I exited the same way I entered, and I wouldn't take that back for the world.


There's a little extra pressure performing against one of your teammates? I guess it's a little different to another team member. So how did that affect the performance?

Korin Bukowski: It is difficult because although we get close to everyone in the competition, I'm with my teammates most. And Braiden's one of the sweetest kids and he's very huggy, like he hugs us all the time and he's very loveable. So it was difficult.

But I honestly wasn't very worried about him. He's just a really talented kid. Of course it's difficult to go against him, but we all have to go against people we don't want to in this competition because we all become close. So no matter who I was down there with, it would've not been fun.

I wanted to know if there was anything that you still had in your pocket that you haven't showed America that you were waiting for a certain part in the competition to show everyone?

Korin Bukowski: I don't know. I think I've shown a lot of different sides to my voice. But there were things that I wanted to do, like I wanted to change up some songs and do them on the show. I wanted to show off my artistic side a little more, and I feel like I didn't get to do that because that's the kind of artist I want to be is an artistic one.

And I feel like that's how I entered was a little different and unique and that's the direction I really want to go in. So I just wanted to show my artistic side a little more.

If you were to ever do a song with Gwen, what do you think the song would be like?

Korin Bukowski: I would sound dreadful on it, but I would love to sing "I'm Just A Girl," only because I used to sing it in my band room when I was like six years old every day.

Through this whole competition, Gwen has consistently said that she sees some of her in you. Can you talk a little bit about what you think that something is and how it makes you feel?

Korin Bukowski: Well first of all, like meeting your idol is amazing, but second of all, to realize that you get along so well and you connect so well is just totally -- I'm lost for -- it's amazing and other-worldly.

And I think what she means when she says is, we're both in our lives in similar journeys trying to find a place where we feel comfortable in ourselves and in our lives. And we do share a lot in common in that way. We have very similar spiritual journeys going on and ahead of us.


And we also -- we're actually very similar in a lot of different ways, like the way we act is very similar sometimes. We just get along very well and we understand each other on a very different level than I feel like a lot of people have the privilege of getting to know their coaches.

After you performed and you were standing with Carson Daly, you had tears in your eyes. And the judges were so kind and they were talking about how they've all done it, you know, forgotten their lyrics. Can you talk a little bit about how that made you feel?

Korin Bukowski: I wasn't -- I mean, it's very embarrassing and very upsetting to have that happen to you. But I do understand that it's happened to everyone. Might happen under unfortunate circumstances, but yes, having the coaches be so supportive of me was really heartwarming to have, you know, that support, especially at a difficult moment.

And having Gwen stand up, like physically stand up and explain why that happened to me, because she understands me so well, she knew that happened to me because I was just so emotional.

And having those circumstances and then that emotional song on top of it and then to go against someone I love on the show, she understood right on the head why that happened to me on that stage. And it was so amazing to have all of them just understand. So it was really heartwarming.

To read what Korin told Reality TV World, click here. For more from her interview, check back with us soon. 

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.