Tierra LiCausi went into her two-on-one date against Jackie Parr with the complete upper hand and advantage, according to The Bachelor host Chris Harrison.


"I don't feel like sweet little Jackie ever stood a chance against a professional assassin like Tierra. It was a mismatch from the start and as much as fans didn't want to see it, the unthinkable happened, and [Sean Lowe] kept Tierra -- again," Harrison wrote in his Entertainment Weekly blog.

"There will be a lot said about Tierra this season and I may be hammered by people for saying this, but the woman is good at what she does. It may not be pretty or nice, but if her goal is to stir up the pot get the other women off their games and 'win' Sean, then she's doing just that... While all the other women are going crazy talking about Tierra to Sean she's able to perfectly play the victim."

Harrison explained that because of the girl-drama resulting from LiCausi's aggressive actions, the cocktail party preceding Monday night's Rose Ceremony was "a complete disaster" for all involved. Lowe, The Bachelor star himself, was even overwhelmed by the confusing and conflicting accusations regarding LiCausi and her arguably good or bad intentions.

"It was really the boiling point... The ladies finally had enough of Tierra's antics and Sean finally had enough of all of it. You saw a brief bit of the ladies having it out with Tierra, but there was much of it you didn't see," Harrison wrote.


"The battle got extremely intense and lasted for hours and spilled from room to room. Sean was beginning to get really aggravated by all the drama and he also caught a firsthand glimpse at Tierra in full beat-down mode. The night, and really the week in general, was not a good one for Sean."

At this point in the season, a handful of bachelorettes have already warned Lowe about how LiCausi tends to be a different person around him than in a group or in front of cameras. However, Lowe was annoyed by the generalities, as he admitted he truly liked LiCausi and needed concrete specifics as to why she wasn't the girl for him in order to even consider sending her home.

"When I sat down with him he was not in a good place and was questioning his entire journey," Harrison said of The Bachelor star, who noted numerous times thus far he's afraid of being naive and doesn't want to get played.

"This is one of those times where my experience really pays off. Sean didn't need a confrontational deliberation this night. He needed to be questioned, but also just reassured that this too would pass. Sean said goodbye to [Robyn Howard] at the rose ceremony but he honestly considered saying goodbye to the whole thing."

The only apparent highlight of Lowe's week was his one-on-one date with bachelorette Lindsay Yenter.


"She's an interesting woman to watch this season, and it's hard to figure out exactly who she is. The first night she was so goofy with the wedding dress stunt that Sean nearly sent her home right away. Yet, here she is, and after this date with Sean she's now one of the front-runners. Sean definitely likes the ladies that make life easy on him and have a good sense of humor and Lindsay fits that bill," the host told EW.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.