Tila Tequila has been cut from the U.K.'s "Celebrity Big Brother" for allegedly expressing pro-Nazi opinions.
"The views Tila had expressed, and permitted to remain uncorrected, are totally unacceptable and, accordingly, her continued involvement in the [program] was untenable," Channel 5 said in a statement.
Tequila was roundly criticized in 2013 when she posted online a Photoshopped image of herself wearing Nazi paraphernalia, while posing in front of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
She addressed the controversy with a lengthy Twitter statement Saturday.
Insisting she is "absolutely 100% not a Nazi supporter," she explained that the photo and her past positive statements about Adolf Hitler came at a time when she was suffering from depression, was addicted to drugs and was suicidal.She emphasized she is now healthy and trying to be a better person.
"I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible, reckless and selfish actions and I hope that everyone can forgive me for the pain I may have caused," her statement said.