The latest entry in the U.S. reality television genre revolves around five guys spending 40 days and 40 nights with the brothers of a Benedictine monastery.
TLC said Wednesday its new series "The Monastery" would premiere Oct. 22 and follow five men who agree to live the monastic life and see what changes in their own lives.
"'The Monastery' is a social, spiritual and learning experiment in which people experience the intensity of monastic life," said TLC General Manager David Abraham. "The purpose is to expose people to the reality of unplugging from modern life completely and creating the opportunity to explore their lives in a contemplative environment."
Abraham said the series would be reflective in tone and adhere to the regimen set down by St. Benedict 1,500 years ago.
The participants include a recovering alcoholic, an Iraqi war veteran, an ex-con, an aspiring Episcopal priest and a general cynic.