FOX has released the names and photos of the first eleven singles competing in their soon to premiere "Paradise Hotel" reality series -- and one name and face should be quite familiar to longtime reality television viewers, that of Toni Ferrari from FOX's short lived "Love Cruise" series.


Known as "Bug Eyed Toni" by diehard viewers, Toni was best remembered for her fierce temper and for publicly proclaiming to all her fellow contestants that she was a recent boob job recipient immediately upon the beginning of their "love cruise." Identified by FOX as a "27 year old personal trainer" during the network's press releases for the Fall 2001 "Love Cruise" show, she is now listed as a "28 year old bartender" for the "Paradise Hotel" series.

Originally scheduled to air in early 2001, "Love Cruise" fell victim to the success of the FOX's original "Temptation Island" series and had its premiere delayed until the following fall season. Eventually airing in the wake of September 11, FOX pretty much threw in the towel on "Love Cruise" before it even began and opted to cram all seven episodes of the series into a three week period that featured the show airing over three different weeknights. The results were predictable -- the series tanked, with it's premiere episode finishing 4th in its timeslot and second episode finishing 5th. Given the extremely low ratings, perhaps FOX thought viewers wouldn't be aware of her previous reality TV appearances! Then again, maybe it has something to do with the fact that Bruce Toms, an executive producer of "Love Cruise" is also a co-executive producer of "Paradise Hotel."

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