World renowned online gamer Tyler Blevins, known by his moniker Ninja, announced Tuesday that he has a form of skin cancer.
"There was a mole on the bottom of my foot that they wanted to remove just to be careful," Blevins posted to X Tuesday.
Blevins said his outlook is good and that he was undergoing tests.
"It came back as melanoma, but they are optimistic that we caught it in the early stages. I had another dark spot appear near it, so today they biopsied that and removed larger area around the melanoma with the hopes that under the microscope they will see clear non-melanoma edges and we will know we got it," Blevins said.
Blevins has about 19 million followers on the streaming platform Twitch, where he is best known for playing Fortnite.Blevins also has hosted Fortnite tournaments and appeared on Trevor Noah's gaming program Player vs Player in 2021.