Mariah Carey launched her musical comeback on American Idol last night, with Thursday night's Top 3 results show featuring the premiere of the music video for the singer and Idol judge's new song "#Beautiful."
"I've been able to get much more involved in my videos than I was in the beginning of my career when I was like, 'Oh, they can do whatever they want -- the record company. No!" Mariah told American Idol Top 3 finalists Angela "Angie" Miller, Candice Glover and Kree Harrison before the video debuted.
"That's not the case, because it's your image. And I felt like -- like when we were shooting the video, the whole thing was I want it to be the antitheses of what I am on American Idol. There is no every hair perfectly in place, it's not about the... it is, but it's not, it's just about freedom and it's just about feeling that record."
The music video premiere aired shortly before the shocking announcement of Angie's elimination -- which has set up a Top 2 showdown in which Candice and Kree will compete for American Idol's twelfth-season title on next week's season finale.
Click below to re-watch music video for "#Beautiful" -- and then check back with Reality TV World later today for an interview with Angie.
About The Author: Steven Rogers