Wells Adams will soon be gracing the third season of Bachelor in Paradise with his presence.
JoJo viewed Wells as quite the catch and a gentleman, a guy with a huge heart.
As Bachelor in Paradise previews show, Wells will date Ashley Iaconetti, which probably comes as a huge relief to fans considering we've watched her cry over Jared Haibon episode to episode.
But will Ashley actually fall for Wells or just continue to obsess over Jared afterwards? And will Wells be able to picture a future with Ashley or will her emotional outbursts scare him away? Let the drama unfold!
Below is a list of 9 facts Reality TV World has compiled about the personable Wells Adams:
- In 2008, Wells was a finalist for the A.I.R. (Achievement In Radio) Awards in the "Best New Talent" category.
- The bachelor is definitely adventurous. He went diving with great white sharks in South Africa and enjoyed a safari in Africa.
- Wells comes from a big family, as he has two brothers and two sisters.
- Wells hosted his first radio show in High School at KSPB Radio Stevenson in California.
- The bachelor graduated from The University of Mississippi in 2007 with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. He minored in English, PR with an emphasis in Blues Anthropology.
- The bachelor adores dogs. Not only does he have a black and tan bloodhound of his own named Carl, he also helps Nashville Humane Association find families for homeless dogs.
- The suitor loves to play guitar, hunt birds, cook, make artistic sandwiches, play sports, travel, and listen to music.

- He doesn't like pizza. (You heard me right).
- Wells' idea of a perfect first date includes really good tacos, a great live band, a walk around the city, and wine and cheese on his front porch as they listed to Otis Redding on his turn table.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski