Whodunnit? "killed off" one of its 10 remaining guests during Sunday night's broadcast of the new reality mystery competition's third episode.


Don, a 62-year-old ex-homicide detective from Santa Clarita, CA, was the fourth guest in the mansion to be "killed" at the end of last night's episode for failing to solve the day's murder crime based upon the evidence supplied. The game-playing guests were investigating the "death" of Adrianna, a 40-year-old TV crime reporter from Oklahoma City, OK, who was in a golf cart explosion.

After each participant attempted to solve the crime of Adrianna's "death," each guest received an envelope with a card inside telling them whether they were "spared" or "scared" -- meaning they'd be safe from elimination due to their successful crime-solving skills or potentially get "killed" for failing to impress the murderer with their statements of how they believed the incident's events unfolded.

Besides Don, fellow guest Dana, a 39-year-old cardiac nurse from Asheville, NC, got the only other "scared" card but ended up surviving. This was the second time both Don and Dana had been in jeopardy of elimination so far this season.

Lindsey, a 27-year-old engineer from Boston, MA, ended up impressing the "killer" -- who is actually one of the participants -- most with her statement of how the murder occurred after gathering and interpreting all the evidence.


For each "murder," the guests are allowed to choose one of the following locations to investigate: the scene of the crime, the victim's last known whereabouts and the body itself whether it be in the morgue or elsewhere. They can choose to share the information they discover with others or keep it to themselves.

Lindsey almost nailed the story of what actually happened to Adrianna. Adrianna was interrupted while watching TV, so she dropped her cereal bowl, ran to an escape trap, tried to kick down the locked doors, and ran outside to a golf cart which had a bomb planted inside. Once she began driving the cart, she swerved towards a tree, the cart blew up, and her body got thrown up into a tree.

The following day after Adrianna's case was solved, Don was shown joining his fellow guests for a formal breakfast in the dining room. However, his steak that was served with eggs was rare and bloody, so Giles the butler instructed him to cook it more himself in the kitchen. Don then entered the kitchen and a jaguar was unleashed through a small sliding door, ultimately attacking Don for his piece of steak. 

In addition to Dana and Lindsey, the remaining guests who are still playing the mystery game in the hopes of winning the $250,000 reward are Cris, a 27-year-old ex-beauty queen from Costa Mesa, CA; Geno, a 33-year-old bar trivia host from Chicago, IL; Kam, a 30-year-old homeland security attorney from New York, NY; Melina, a 29-year-old flight attendant from Chicago, IL; Ronnie, a 42-year-old bounty hunter from Kenilworth, NJ; and Sasha, a 28-year-old journalist from Washington, DC.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.