A thriller mixed with comedy, the British series Wreck is coming to Hulu on March 4.


The series stars 19-year-old Jamie (Oscar Kennedy), who is working aboard the MS Sacramentum but not just to earn money. He's there to find any clues he can about his sister who worked on the ship and went missing on a previous tour.

While getting tips about cruise life from the other workers, Jamie has to play detective to figure out what happened to his sister. He also has to contend with a sinister duck terrorizing the ship, while the other workers seem oblivious.

The duck makes an appearance in the trailer along with a group of men led by a man with an axe, a crew member who's clearly had enough, and crew supervisors who range from aggressive to creepily cheerful.

Wreck comes from Fremantle Productions along with support from Northern Ireland Screen. The six-episode series was written and directed by Ryan J. Brown.


The show stars Kennedy of Ladhood as Jamie, along with Thaddea Graham (The Irregulars) as Vivian, Jack Rowan (Noughts + Crosses) as Danny, Harriet Webb (I May Destroy You) as Karen, and Jodie Tyack (The Window) as Pippa. Newcomers include Louis Boyer as Sam, Anthony Rickman as Olly, Amber Grappy as Lauren and Diego Andres as Jerome.

Wreck premieres on Hulu on March 1.

Watch the trailer below: