Zeke Smith is still in the running to win $1 million on Survivor: Game Changers this spring.


Zeke is a 29-year-old asset manager from Oklahoma who currently resides in Brooklyn, NY.

Zeke's first stint on Survivor was Millennials vs. Gen X in 2016, when he gained a lot of confidence and achieved personal growth by forcing himself out of his comfort zone. He finished the season in only ninth place but proved himself to be very manipulative and strategic.

On Game Changers, Zeke has found himself in a tough spot several votes after the merge because he's at the bottom of the majority alliance and also betrayed one of his close allies, Andrea Boehlke, from the minority alliance.

Zeke also rubbed Sarah Lacina the wrong way by throwing Andrea under the bus, and Sarah could possibly serve as a swing vote going forward between the two sides.


Below is a list of 7 facts Reality TV World has compiled about Zeke Smith:

- Zeke was the twelfth castaway voted out of Millennials vs. Gen X and therefore became the season's fifth jury member.

When high school player Will Wahl was looking for a way to build up his Survivor resume, he decided to turn on Zeke and vote him out of the game.

- Zeke was best remembered for his social game, the ability to weave in and out of alliances, and the way he'd quickly befriend people immediately after betraying them.

Zeke also sported a signature mustache and, of course, his Hawaiian shirt.


- Zeke's inspiration in life is Joan Rivers because she really "lived" and made Helen Keller jokes into her 80s.

- The castaway was ranked one of the Top 16 high-school debaters in the country his senior year of high school. He was recruited to debate for Harvard, which is where he went to college.

- Zeke told Reality TV World in his post-elimination interview that he wasn't blindsided and thought nobody needed convincing he was the biggest threat left in the game at that point.

- His hobbies include writing, improv and cooking. Zeke admits he has eccentric taste and describes himself as sharp, devilish, unstoppable, and curious.

- If he could bring three things with him to a deserted island, they would be hairspray to keep his hair "high and tight," coffee to calm his nerves and "awaken the senses," and an industrial-sized vat of peanut butter (both as a high-protein food and a deep conditioner).

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.