
Brotherhood Brief Information

Brotherhood is an American television drama series created by Blake Masters about the intertwining lives of the Irish-American Caffee brothers from Providence, Rhode Island: Tommy (Jason Clarke) is a local politician and Michael (Jason Isaacs) is a professional criminal involved with New England's Irish Mob. The show also features their mother Rose (Fionnula Flanagan), cousin Colin Carr (Brķan F. O'Byrne), childhood friend and Rhode Island state detective Declan Giggs (Ethan Embry), Irish mob boss Freddie Cork (Kevin Chapman), Tommy's wife Eileen (Annabeth Gish), and Michael's criminal partner Pete McGonagle (Stivi Paskoski).

Brotherhood was broadcast by the premium cable network Showtime in the United States. It premiered on July 9, 2006 and ended on December 21, 2008, with the show's three seasons consisting of eleven, ten and eight episodes, respectively. The show was not renewed after its third season, which Showtime later confirmed was the last. The series was produced and almost entirely written by Masters and Henry Bromell. It was filmed on location in Providence and Rhode Island.

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