California Fever

California Fever Information

California Fever is an American teen drama series that ran on CBS in 1979. The show featured a group of Los Angeles teenagers living an exotic life of disco, the beach, the opposite sex and music. The series was short-lived, lasting only 10 episodes.

Prior to the first episode, the show was to initially be called "We're Cruising."

Episode list

Episode # Episode title Original airdate
1-1 "Underground Jock" (pilot) September 25, 1979
1-2 "The Girl From Somewhere" October 2, 1979
1-3 "Movin' Out" October 9, 1979
1-4 "Hardrock Rally" October 16, 1979
1-5 "Four on the Floor" October 23, 1979
1-6 "Portrait of Laurie" October 30, 1979
1-7 "Centerfold" November 6, 1979
1-8 "Stars of Tomorrow" November 13, 1979
1-9 "The Good Life" December 4, 1979
1-10 "Beach Wars" December 11, 1979

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