
Greek Brief Information

Greek (stylised as GR??K) is an American comedy-drama television series that ran from July 9, 2007 to March 7, 2011 on ABC Family. The series follows students of the fictional Cyprus-Rhodes University (CRU), located in Ohio, who participate in the school's Greek system. The show's plots often take place within the confines of the fictional fraternities, Kappa Tau Gamma (??") and Omega Chi Delta (??"?), or the fictional sorority, Zeta Beta Zeta (-"?Z). Throughout the course of the series, other non-Greek characters and situations are introduced, but they all tie into larger relationships with the Greeks. There are four seasons.

Greek News

• 'Rick and Morty' star Spencer Grammer headed for divorce
• Spencer Grammer and new hubby James Hesketh expecting first child
• Kelsey Grammer's daughter Spencer Grammer marries at city hall
• 'Burlesque,' 'Easy A,' 'Glee,' 'Brothers & Sisters' up for GLAAD awards

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