Heartland (1989)

Heartland (1989) Information

Heartland is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from March 20, 1989 until June 12, 1989. The series stars Brian Keith as an old-fashioned Nebraska farmer who moves in with his daughter (Kathleen Layman), son-in-law (Richard Gilliland) and their family. Keith's real-life daughter Daisy Keith plays one of his grandchildren. The show was created by Don Reo, and was produced by Impact Zone Productions and Witt/Thomas Productions in association with Touchstone Television.


A Nebraska farmer loses his farm and has to move in with his daughter's family.


  • Brian Keith as B.L. McCutcheon
  • Richard Gilliland as Tom Stafford
  • Kathleen Layman as Casey McCutcheon Stafford
  • Jason Kristofer as Johnny Stafford
  • Devin Ratray as Gus Stafford
  • Daisy Keith as Kim Stafford


No. Title Directed by Written by Original air date EpisodeNumber=1 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= The Staffords refuse an offer from an agribusiness representative. A tornado hits the farm. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=2 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= B.L. and Tom has a fight and B.L. runs from the house. Johnny goes skinny-dipping. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=3 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= Johnny plans a road trip to California. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=4 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= Gus sees his first dead body at a funeral. Johnny doesn't trust Kim's new boyfriend. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=5 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= Gus quits the wrestling team when a girl joins the team. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=6 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= Casey thinks she is pregnant. Johnny goes deer hunting. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=7 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= One of the Staffords' sheep gets killed when an airplane falls out of the sky. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=8 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= Johnny falls in love with a farmer's daughter. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=9 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= Tom has a meeting with the bank. B.L. accompanies Kim for her trip to New York City. LineColor=3399ff }}

EpisodeNumber=10 DirectedBy= WrittenBy= ShortSummary= Tom and B.L. has to share a bed when they go for a trip to Kansas. Johnny buys an old motorbike. LineColor=3399ff }}

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