Justin Time

Justin Time Information

Justin Time}}

Justin Time is a Canadian/American animated television series created by Brandon James Scott, the show airs on Disney Junior (both English and French) in Canada, PBS Kids Sprout in the United States, Tiny Pop in the United Kingdom, and KBS in South Korea.


  • Justin: is the main character, who loves to travel to the imaginary adventures back through time with his imaginary friends, Olive and Squidgy. He has brown hair and white skin.
  • Olive: is Justin's imaginary friend. She has brunette black hair, with two olive bobbles, and ordinarily wears an olive shirt, and olive green skirt and brown shoes. She has freckles on both her cheeks, 3 on each and 6 in total.
  • Squidgy: is a shape-shifting creature, who is Justin's imaginary best friend. He is made out of yellow clay.


Main article: List of Justin Time episodes
The Big Stone Circle

International titles

  • English: Justin Time
  • French: Justin Rêve
  • Spanish: Justo a Tiempo
  • Portuguese: Hora do Justin

International Broadcasting

  •  : PBS Kids Sprout & NBC Kids

This webpage uses material from the Wikipedia article "Justin_Time_%28TV_series%29" and is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. Reality TV World is not responsible for any errors or omissions the Wikipedia article may contain.



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