Personal Effects

Personal Effects Information

Personal Effects is a 2009 drama film directed by David Hollander and starring Kathy Bates, Ashton Kutcher, and Michelle Pfeiffer. It is based on Rick Moody's story Mansion on the Hill (from his book Demonology). This movie was premiered in Iowa City, Iowa on December 12, 2008 as part of a fundraiser for Iowa Flood Relief. The DVD was released universally on May 12, 2009.

The movie was filmed in the Vancouver, British Columbia area.


24-year-old wrestler Walter (Ashton Kutcher) leaves the national team in Iowa and returns to his hometown after the brutal murder of his twin sister, Annie (Sarah Lind), to support his mother, Gloria (Kathy Bates), and his niece. When he goes with his mother to therapy, he meets a widow, Linda (Michelle Pfeiffer), whose alcoholic husband was murdered by his friend in a bar. Linda has a deaf and mute son, Clay (Spencer Hudson), who misses his father and has a repressed anger against the killer. She also works in the Southside Community Center organizing weddings for needy people. They befriend each other during the trials and Walter invites Clay to join the local wrestling training. While waiting for the jury verdict of their cases, Linda and Walter have a love affair.


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