Son of Zorn

Son of Zorn Information

Son of Zorn is an upcoming American live-action animated sitcom television series created by Reed Agnew and Eli Jorne. The series stars Jason Sudeikis, Johnny Pemberton, Cheryl Hines, Tim Meadows and Artemis Pebdani. The first season will consist of 13 episodes and is scheduled to premiere on September 25, 2016.



The show was created by Reed Agnew and Eli Jorne who wrote the pilot episode while Eric Appel directed. Initially Agnew and Jorne were set to be co-showrunners, however after Fox ordered the series to air Agnew backed out and was made co-executive producer instead. At this point, Sally McKenna was brought in to replace Agnew; McKenna would later, in April 2016, become the sole showrunner after Jorne also left the project.

Artemis Pebdani and Tim Meadows' casting was announced in July 2015, with Jason Sudeikis, Cheryl Hines, and Johhny Pemberton's involvement announced the following November.

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