
Spencer Brief Information

Spencer, later titled Under One Roof, is an American teen situation comedy broadcast on NBC for one season starting in December 1984. The show originally starred Chad Lowe as high school student Spencer Winger, Mimi Kennedy as his mother Doris Winger, and Ronny Cox as his father George Winger.

Lowe left the series in 1985 after six episodes and was replaced by Ross Harris, who assumed the role of Spencer. At that time the show's title was changed from Spencer to Under One Roof; the first episode with the new title aired March 23, 1985. Cox also left the show during the retooling, his character written off as having left the family for a 23-year-old woman. Harold Gould and Frances Sternhagen were added to the cast as Spencer's maternal grandparents.

Spencer News

• 'Roswell' reboot among new The CW's new TV pilot orders

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