
Spider-Man Brief Information

Spider-Man is a 2002 American superhero film directed by Sam Raimi, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name and the first installment in the Spider-Man trilogy. The film stars Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker, a high school student living in New York City, who lives a double life as a vigilante: Spider-Man, after developing spider-like super powers. Spider-Man also stars Kirsten Dunst as Peter's love interest Mary Jane Watson, Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn, the secret identity of his foe Green Goblin, Rosemary Harris and Cliff Robertson as Aunt May and Uncle Ben, James Franco as Peter's best friend Harry Osborn, and J. K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, the editor-in-chief and publisher of the Daily Bugle.

After progress on the film stalled for nearly 25 years, it was licensed for a worldwide release by Columbia Pictures in 1999 after it acquired options from MGM on all previous scripts developed by Cannon Films, Carolco and New Cannon. Exercising its option on just two elements from the multi-script acquisition (a different screenplay was written by James Cameron, Ted Newsom, John Brancato, Barney Cohen and Joseph Goldman), Sony hired David Koepp to create a working screenplay (credited as Cameron's), and Koepp received sole credit in final billing. Directors Roland Emmerich, Ang Lee, Chris Columbus, Jan de Bont, M. Night Shyamalan, Tony Scott and David Fincher were considered to direct the project before Raimi was hired as director in 2000. The Koepp script was rewritten by Scott Rosenberg during pre-production and received a dialogue polish from Alvin Sargent during production. Filming took place in Los Angeles and New York City from January 8 to June 30, 2001.

Spider-Man News

• Jamie Foxx's 'Million Dollar Wheels' to premiere February 28 on Discovery+
• Sony and Marvel reach new 'Spider-Man' movie deal
• Kirsten Dunst gets Hollywood Walk of Fame star
• J.K. Simmons cast in Hulu's 'Veronica Mars' revival

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