The Complex

The Complex News

  • The Year In Review: Reality TV still delivering strong ratings, despite missteps

    April 16, 2005
    At the "upfront" advertising-sales meetings prior to the 2004-05 primetime television season, the six U.S. broadcast networks and their cable competitors made it clear that the next season would feature lots and lots of reality television. In fact, the push for more reality TV became so severe that one network (Fox) resorted to the blatant theft of other networks' ideas. Now that the season is in its final two months, how did this glut of reality shows fare?
  • CBS cancels 'The Will' after only one episode broadcast

    January 12, 2005
    Setting a new record for weekend reality TV futility, CBS announced today that it has axed its new The Will reality series after just a single episode broadcast. A Cold Case repeat will air in its place this week, with details on the time period's new regularly scheduled programming to be announced at a later date.
  • The Complex - Finale episode summary

    October 13, 2004
    "SOLD To the Woman With Poor Taste in the Front Row!," our episode summary for the seventh and final episode of Fox's The Complex series, written by MTW1961, is now available.
  • The Complex - Episode 6 summary

    October 6, 2004
    "I Hate Barney/Rose," our episode summary for the sixth episode of Fox's The Complex series, written by volsfan, is now available.
  • The Complex - Episode 5 summary

    September 30, 2004
    "Recipe For Success: Outdoor Carpet and a Spa!," our episode summary for the fifth episode of Fox's The Complex series, written by MTW1961, is now available.




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