The Hardy Boys (1969)

The Hardy Boys (1969) Information

The Hardy Boys is an animated series, produced by Filmation and aired Saturday mornings on ABC from 1969 to 1971. It featured the Hardy Boys, Joe and Frank, along with their friends Chubby Morton, Wanda Kay Breckenridge, and Pete Jones (one of the first black characters to appear on Saturday morning television) touring as a rock band while solving mysteries. The series is also notable for its opening and closing credits, which the Hardys appeared in live action. The series debuted at the same time as Hanna-Barbera's similarly themed Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, which was scheduled against the show on CBS.


  • Byron Kane " Joe Hardy, Fenton Hardy
  • Dallas McKennon " Frank Hardy, Chubby Morton, Pete Jones
  • Jane Webb " Wanda Kay Breckenridge

Episode list

Two 12 minute mysteries, based on the original book stories, made up one 22 minute television show. The 1969/1970 shows were repeated for a second year in 1970/1971 Two live action songs were inserted in the middle of the mysteries and also used for the main & end titles, performed by a group calling themselves "The Hardy Boys". These songs were sold at stores on records & audio tapes.

Season 1: 1969-1970

No. Title Airdate
1 "'Footprints Under The Window / Hunting for Hidden Gold" 1969·Sep·06
2 "Mystery of the Desert Giant / The Viking Symbol Mystery" 1969·Sep·13
3 "The Secret of the Old Mill / The Missing Chums" 1969·Sep·20
4 "The Secret Warning / The Mystery of the Aztec Warrior" 1969·Sep·27
5 "The Mystery of Cabin Island / The Hidden Harbor Mystery" 1969·Oct·04
6 "The Secret of the Caves / A Figure In Hiding" 1969·Oct·11
7 "The Ghost at Skeleton Rock / The Mystery of the Chinese Junk" 1969·Oct·18
8 "The Shore Road Mystery / The Sign of the Crooked Arrow" 1969·Oct·25
9 "What Happened at Midnight / The Clue in the Embers" 1969·Nov·01
10 "'The Clue of the Screeching Owl / The Yellow Feather Mystery" 1969·Nov·08
11 "The House on the Cliff / Mystery of the Spiral Bridge" 1969·Nov·15
12 "The Mystery at Devil's Paw / The Haunted Fort" 1969·Nov·22
13 "The Sinister Signpost / The Melted Coins" 1969·Nov·29
14 "The Mark on the Door / The Flickering Torch Mystery" 1969·Dec·06
15 "The Secret of Wildcat Swamp / The Clue of the Broken Blade" 1969·Dec·13
16 "The Hooded Hawk Mystery / The Short Wave Mystery" 1969·Dec·20
17 "The Phantom Freighter / The Secret of Pirates Hill" 1969·Dec·27

Season 2: 1970"71

No. Title Airdate
18 "'repeat of show #1" 1970·Sep·07
19 "repeat of show #2" 1970·Sep·14
20 "repeat of show #3" 1970·Sep·21
21 "repeat of show #4" 1970·Oct·03
22 "repeat of show #5" 1970·Oct·10
23 "repeat of show #6" 1970·Oct·17
24 "repeat of show #7" 1970·Oct·24
25 "'repeat of show #8" 1970·Oct·31
26 "repeat of show #9" 1970·Nov·07
27 "repeat of show #10" 1970·Nov·14
28 "repeat of show #11" 1970·Nov·21
29 "repeat of show #12" 1970·Nov·28
30 "repeat of show #13" 1970·Dec·05
31 "repeat of show #14" 1970·Dec·12
32 "repeat of show #15" 1970·Dec·19
33 "repeat of show #16" 1970·Dec·26
34 "repeat of show #17" 1971·Jan·02

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