The Last of Robin Hood

The Last of Robin Hood Information

The Last of Robin Hood is an upcoming American independent biographical drama film directed and written by Richard Glatzer and Wash West. The film stars Kevin Kline, Dakota Fanning, Susan Sarandon, Matthew Kane and Max Casella.



Killer Films set Richard Glatzer and Wash West to write and direct the upcoming true story based biographical film about legendary actor Errol Flynn.


On October 10, 2012 it was in the news that Kevin Kline and Susan Sarandon have signed in to star in the true story based biographical film. Kline will play the role of Errol Flynn, a legendary actor who was in a relationship with a 17 year girl Beverly Aadland and Sarandon will play Florence Aadland, Beverly Aadland's stage mother. On January 23, 2013 Dakota Fanning was added to the cast to play the role of Beverly Aadland, Flynn?s teenage girlfriend. Patrick St. Esprit also joined the cast to play Herb Aadland, a down-to-earth engineer and Beverly Aadland's father.


The filming of The Last of Robin Hood began in the end of January 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia.

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