The Neighbors (game show)

The Neighbors (game show) Information

The Neighbors is an American game show. It aired on ABC from December 29, 1975 to April 9, 1976. It included five female neighbors as contestants, who were asked gossip questions about each other. Regis Philbin co-hosted the show with Jane Nelson, and Joe Seiter was the announcer. It was produced by Bill Carruthers, who almost a decade later, would produce the popular hit game show Press Your Luck for CBS.


Two female neighbors competed for cash by answering questions about a panel of three of their neighbors. Philbin read a statement about one of the two contestants and the contestants must guess which contestant most of the panel felt that question applied to. Correct answers scored $25.

In round 2, the contestants must guess which panelist made a particular statement about that player. A correct selection scored $50 while the selected panelist earned $25 whether correct or not.

In round 3, a statement would be read about one of the three panelists. The first player to buzz in and choose the correct neighbor earned money. The first question scored $50, the second question was worth $100, $150 for the third, $200 for the fourth, and $300 for the fifth question. After the fifth question, the player with the most money won a bonus prize.

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