Bachelor in Paradise - Season 1

Bachelor in Paradise - Season 1 (Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The first season of Bachelor in Paradise premiered on August 4, 2014, a week after season ten of The Bachelorette, with the season finale airing on September 8, 2014. Chris Harrison reprised his role from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette as the host of the show.


In March 2013, ABC canceled Bachelor Pad after three seasons. ABC then announced a new spin-off series, Bachelor In Paradise. The season was filmed in Tulum, Mexico.


The first batch of contestants were revealed on June 4, 2014, but only 14 contestants were confirmed. On July 14, 2014, an additional 11 contestants were revealed, resulting in 25 contestants.

Name Age Occupation Residence From Arrived Eliminated
Lacy Faddoul 26 Nursing Home Owner La Jolla, CA The Bachelor, Season 18 Week 1 Engaged
Marcus Grodd 26 Sports Medicine Manager Dallas, TX The Bachelorette, Season 10 Week 1 Engaged
Michelle Money 33 Hairstylist Salt Lake City, UT The Bachelor, Season 15 Week 1 Relationship
Cody Sattler 28 Personal Trainer Chicago, IL The Bachelorette, Season 10 Week 4 Relationship
Robert Graham 31 Advertising Entrepreneur Los Angeles, CA The Bachelorette, Season 9 Week 1 Split Week 7
Sarah Herron 27 Art Director Marina del Ray, CA The Bachelor, Season 17 Week 1 Split Week 7
Zack Kalter 29 Book Publisher Los Angeles, CA The Bachelorette, Season 9 Week 2 Split Week 7
Jackie Parr 26 Cosmetics Consultant Boca Raton, FL The Bachelor, Season 17 Week 3 Split Week 7
Christy Hansen 25 Hairstylist Chicago, IL The Bachelor, Season 18 Week 5 Split Week 7
Tasos Hernandez 30 Wedding Event Coordinator Denver, CO The Bachelorette, Season 10 Week 6 Split Week 7
Graham Bunn 35 Entrepreneur New York, NY The Bachelorette, Season 4 Week 1 Split Week 7
AshLee Frazier 33 Personal Organizer Houston, TX The Bachelor, Season 17 Week 1 Split Week 7
Brooks Forester 29 Entrepreneur Salt Lake City, UT The Bachelorette, Season 9 Week 6 Week 6
Jesse Kovacs 32 Winemaker San Diego, CA The Bachelorette, Season 5 Week 4 Week 6 (Quit)
Lucy Aragon 25 Free Spirit Santa Barbara, CA The Bachelor, Season 18 Week 5 Week 5
Clare Crawley 33 Hairstylist Sacramento, CA The Bachelor, Season 18 Week 1 Week 5 (Quit)
Kalon McMahon 29 Entrepreneur Houston, TX The Bachelorette, Season 8 Week 4 Week 4
Marquel Martin 27 Sponsorship Salesman Las Vegas, NV The Bachelorette, Season 10 Week 1 Week 4
Danielle Ronco 26 Psychiatric Nurse St. Louis, MO The Bachelor, Season 18 Week 3 Week 3
Elise Mosca 28 Bartender Los Angeles, CA The Bachelor, Season 18 Week 1 Week 3 (Quit)
Chris Bukowski 27 Entrepreneur Washington, D.C. The Bachelorette, Season 8 Week 2 Week 3 (Quit)
Dylan Petitt 26 Accountant Boston, MA The Bachelorette, Season 10 Week 1 Week 2
Ben Scott 30 Sales Representative Dallas, TX The Bachelorette, Season 9 Week 1 Week 2 (Quit)
Daniella McBride 26 Commercial Casting Associate San Francisco, CA The Bachelor, Season 17 Week 1 Week 1
Michelle Kujawa 30 Sales Anaheim, CA The Bachelor, Season 14 Week 1 Week 1 (Quit)

Elimination Table

Place Contestant Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1-4 Lacy Date (Robert) Date (Marcus) In Date (Marcus) In Date (Marcus) In Stay (Marcus)
Marcus Date (Sarah) Date (Lacy) In Date (Lacy) In Date (Lacy) In Stay (Lacy)
Michelle M. Date (Marquel) In Last In Date (Cody) In In Stay (Cody)
Cody Wait In Date (Michelle M.) In In Stay (Michelle M.)
5-6 Sarah Last (Marcus) Date (Dylan) In Date (Robert) Date (Robert) In In Split (Robert)
Robert Date (Lacy/Clare) Last In Date (Sarah) Date (Sarah) In In Split (Sarah)
7-12 Jackie Wait Date (Marquel) Date (Jesse) In Date (Brooks/Zack) Split (Zack)
Zack Wait Date (Clare) In In In Last (Jackie) Split (Jackie)
Christy Wait Last (Jesse) Date (Tasos) Split (Tasos)
Tasos Wait Date (Christy) Split (Christy)
AshLee In In Date (Graham) In Date (Graham) In Split (Graham)
Graham In In Date (AshLee) In Date (AshLee) In Split (AshLee)
13 Brooks Wait Out (Jackie)
14 Jesse Wait Last (Jackie) Date (Christy/Lucy) Quit
15 Lucy Wait Out (Jesse)
16 Clare Date (Robert) Date (Chris/Zack) In In Quit
17-18 Kalon Wait Out (Kalon)
Marquel Date (Michelle M.) In Date (Danielle/Jackie) Out
19 Danielle Wait Out (Marquel)
20-21 Elise In In Quit (Chris)
Chris Wait Date (Clare) Quit (Elise)
22 Dylan In Out (Sarah)
23 Ben In Quit
24 Daniella Out
25 Michelle K. Quit


The contestant is male.
The contestant is female.
The contestant had a date and gave out a rose at the rose ceremony.
The contestant went on a date and got a rose at the rose ceremony.
The contestant gave or received a rose at the rose ceremony, thus remaining in the competition.
The contestant received the last rose.
The contestant went on a date and received the last rose.
The contestant went on a date and rejected a rose and ended up getting eliminated.
The contestant went on a date and was eliminated.
The contestant was eliminated.
The contestant had a date and voluntarily left the show
The contestant voluntarily left the show.
The contestant quit the show after being in a relationship back home.
The contestant quit due to injury.
The couple broke up and was eliminated.
The couple decided to stay together and won the competition.
The contestant had to wait to appear in paradise.


Episode 1

Airdate: August 4, 2014

Arrival Order: Clare, Marcus, Sarah, Marquel, Daniella, Graham, Lacy, Ben, Michelle K., Robert, Dylan, Elise and AshLee.

Chris Harrison asked everyone if they were single and Michelle K. said "maybe". Throughout the first day, Lacy went into the ocean with Robert and Marcus in an 8-hour span. She went into the ocean while Marcus went in there by himself feeling rejected over bachelorette Andi Dorfman.

Clare's date: Clare initially wanted to take Graham on the date, but AshLee "claimed" Graham at the start, which made Clare go on a date with Robert. Clare and Robert went to the ruins; while climbing the ruins, Robert got attacked by fire ants.

Sarah's date: Sarah took Marcus on a date and went cliff diving. During the date, Michelle Money joined the cast in Mexico.

Michelle M.'s date: Michelle M. arrived with a date card and took Marquel, they went horseback riding on a beach in Playa del Carmen.

Lacy's date: Lacy took Robert on a date and they had dinner on a beach.

Rose ceremony: The rose ceremony came after a cocktail party. Before the first rose was handed out Michelle K. stepped out and left because she never had any feelings for a guy. In order Marquel gave his rose to Michelle M., Graham gave his rose to AshLee, Dylan gave his rose to Elise, Marcus gave his rose to Lacy which upset Robert who then gave his rose to Clare, Ben had the final rose which he gave to Sarah over Daniella eliminating her.

Episode 2

Airdate: August 11, 2014

Chris's Date: Chris showed up with a date card and he took Clare to Papaya Playa on a trip to a spa. During the date Dylan tells Elise to talk to other men in paradise.

Marcus's Date: Marcus took Lacy on a date and they had dinner in Zcaret. During the date Elise did what Dylan requested which was hooking up with Chris in the ocean, they had a conversation about this the next day and Dylan told Elise if she offered him a rose, he would reject it.

Zack's Date: Zack showed up with a date card and took Clare to the city to explore, then went swimming in the ocean.

Dylan's Date: Dylan took Sarah on a date and had dinner.

Before the Rose Ceremony, Marcus and Marquel confronted Ben upon finding a love letter in his backpack from a girl back home. Ben admitted to being in love with her, upsetting everyone especially Michelle, and decided to go home.

Rose Ceremony Lacy gives her rose to Marcus, Ashlee gives hers to Graham, Clare to Zack, Michelle to Marquel, Elise gives hers to Dylan but he declines, so she gives it to Chris instead, Sarah gives her rose to Robert over Dylan, eliminating him.

Episode 3

Airdate: August 18, 2014

Elise's Date: Elise asked Chris out. Before the date began, Chris sprained his knee. He decided to go through with the date, despite being in great pain. Immediately after the date he went to the hospital for treatment.

Danielle: Danielle showed up at the bachelor house with a date. She asked Marquel to go on the date and they went swimming.

At the house, Michelle and Clare decided to take Zack and Robert on a mini double date. Sarah was pretty upset about this.

Jackie: Jackie showed up with a date card. She decided to take Marquel as well for his second date this week. Danielle and Michelle were a little upset about this. They went the Campeche Mexico and explored. They shared a kiss after Marquel and Jackie both said they don't usually kiss on the first date.

Sarah and the others expressed their concern to Elise about being careful with Chris and not getting too serious too fast.

AshLee: Ashlee asked Graham to go on her date with her. They went to dinner. AshLee started talking about living together and Graham asked her to not put pressure on forever anymore. They got a card from Chris Harrison with two room keys. Graham wanted to use both rooms, but Ashlee wanted to share a room. They ended up using both rooms.

Rose Ceremony: Graham gave his rose to Ashlee. Zack gave his rose to Clare. Marcus gave his rose to Lacy. Marquel gave his rose to Jackie. Robert gave his rose to Sarah. Chris asked Elise to come forward. He told Elise that he could not give her the rose, because he had decided to leave the show due to his knee injury. Instead, he asked Elise to leave along with him so they could continue to pursue their relationship back home, and she accepted. Chris decided to give his rose to Michelle so she could continue her journey of true love. Danielle was eliminated.

Episode 4

Airdate: August 25, 2014

Robert: Robert gets the first date and decides to take Sarah. They go sailing and swimming in the ocean.

Cody's Date Card: Cody arrived with a date card. He asks Clare, but she decided to pass on the date because of Zack. Cody then decided to pass it to his friend Marcus, so he could have more time to get to know the people in the house. Many of the women thought that was a very nice gesture. Marcus takes Lacy.

Kalon's Date: Kalon arrived with a date card. He asked Michelle and she accepted, but then she cancelled on him. He asked a few other girls, but none of the women would go out with him (recalling how badly he had upset Emily Maynard in The Bachelorette (season 8). Feeling certain that he would be eliminated later at the Rose Ceremony, he decided to go by himself and enjoy it rather than pass the card, creating the show's first "one on none" date.

Jesse: Jesse shows up with a date card and he invites Jackie to go out with him. She accepts and Marquel is kind of upset. They go to an ancient Mayan Cave. The date is a little awkward at first, but gets better toward the end. Andrew Ripp performs.

Before the Rose Ceremony, AshLee said disrespectful things about Clare to Zack and her remarks were caught on camera. Word got back to Clare and she confronted AshLee about it. Michelle informed Graham about the situation right before the Rose Ceremony began. Graham started to have second thoughts about AshLee.

Rose Ceremony: Lacy gives her rose to Marcus. Clare gives her rose to Zack. AshLee asked Graham to come forward. At that point Graham turned and left the room. Michelle followed after him. AshLee continued to stand in the Rose Ceremony room and did not follow Graham. After seeing a medic, Graham returned and accepted the rose from AshLee. Then Lacy became ill and departed in an ambulance, accompanied by Marcus. The rose ceremony continued. Michelle gave her rose to Cody. Sarah gave her rose to Robert. Jackie gave her rose to Jesse. Kalon and Marquel were eliminated at the Rose Ceremony.

Episode 5

Airdate: August 26, 2014

Christy: Christy shows up with a date card and asks Zack to go with her, but he turns her down. Christy then asks Jesse to join her on the date. They go shopping in Mexico.

Lacy and Marcus return from the hospital.

Sarah: Sarah got a date card and asked Robert to join her. They go out to dinner and go swimming. They share a kiss.

Clare was still upset about the disrespectful comments from AshLee. She came to Zack to let him know that she had decided to quit.

Lucy's Date: Lucy arrived with a date card. She asked Jesse out and they went to some ruins.

Michelle's Date: Michelle asked Cody out and they had their 'engagement' photos taken on the beach, even though it was their first date.

AshLee's Date: She asked Graham out and they drove sports cars on a road course.

Christy began to feel insecure about her status with Jesse. She spoke to him and was reassured. They started to make out in private and were joined by Lucy.

Rose Ceremony: Sarah accepts Robert's rose. AshLee accepts Graham's rose. Cody gives his rose to Michelle. Lacy accepted Marcus' rose with a very long kiss. Zack gives his rose to Jackie. Jesse chose Christy over Lucy, so Lucy was eliminated.

Episode 6

Airdate: September 1, 2014

Marcus's Date: Marcus took Lacy on a date exploring in a cave. Lacy told Marcus she was falling in love with him.

Brooks' Date: Sarah was hoping that Brooks would ask her out, and Brooks wanted to do it, but Robert informed Brooks that he and Sarah were a couple and Brooks should pick someone else. Brooks asked Jackie out.

Tasos's Date: Tasos arrived with a date card. Tasos pulled Michelle aside first and told him he should take Christy. Tasos told her how great of a guy Cody was. Tasos asked Christy on the date and Jesse wasn't happy because he doesn't want to leave Paradise. On the date, Tasos and Christy go swimming in a lazy river.

Zack's Date: Zack asked Jackie on the date, and Brooks wasn't too thrilled. AshLee was also upset it wasn't Graham who got the date card. Zack and Jackie went swimming in a cave. They kissed.

Before the Rose Ceremony, Jesse had a talk with Christy and realized that he would not be getting a rose from her. He decided to quit at that point rather than be eliminated later. Before he could depart, Christy came to the car and told him all of the reasons that she was angry with him. Jesse didn't seem concerned by this, saying later that he had fun and he knew there would be lots of emails and party invitations waiting for him when he got home.

Rose Ceremony: Lacy gave her rose to Marcus. AshLee gave her rose to Graham. Sarah gave her rose to Robert. Michelle gave her rose to Cody. Christy to Tasos. Jackie gave her rose to Zack. Brooks was eliminated. Then Chris Harrison announced that there would be no more newcomers; the final episode would be a test of their new relationships.

Episode 7

Airdate: September 8, 2014

Chris Harrison asked each of the couples to have a serious talk with each other and decide whether to continue or go home. AshLee and Graham decided to split up after some prompting by Michelle. Zack, Jackie, Tasos and Christy all decided to break up. That left three couples: Sarah and Robert, Michelle and Cody, and Lacy and Marcus.

The three couples went on romantic overnight dates in fantasy suites. Lacy and Marcus and Michelle and Cody came back convinced that they should remain as couples. However, Sarah complained that there was little intimacy on their date. She confronted Robert about this and he just apologized and left with no explanation.

The two remaining couples were joined by three couples (Jason/Molly Mesnick, Sean/Catherine Lowe and Desiree Hartsock/Chris Seigfried) who had found love on the show in the past. They agreed that the two remaining couples had a good chance of making it work.

Rose Ceremony: Michelle and Cody exchanged roses and left as a couple. Marcus proposed to Lacy and she accepted.

In the epilogue, it was revealed that Chris and Elise broke up after less than two weeks. Michelle and Cody were still in a relationship at the time. Clare was still in Sacramento searching for her soulmate.

Post Show

In December 2014, Michelle and Cody announced that they decided to end their relationship, and got back together in June 2015, but later broke up again. In 2016 they appeared on Marriage Boot Camp, where they broke up again.

Marcus and Lacy were wed by Chris Harrison on the season premiere of season 2 of Bachelor in Paradise. However, in July 2016 Marcus admitted that the two were never legally married and have since broken up.

Clare returned to Paradise for season 2. She was eliminated in week 3.

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